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This term ‘has acquired popularity with politicians as well as with lawyers. It is, however, used ambiguously to designate the suitability of a dispute for settlement, both as to law ... ...

Religious Regulation in India

Religious Regulation in India   Reference library

Kristina M. Teater and Laura Dudley Jenkins

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Politics, Religion
9,422 words

...Mallampalli, 2011 ). Personal laws continued after independence. Article 44 of the constitution calls for India to create a uniform civil code—“The State shall endeavour to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India”—but this is in the non-justiciable “Directive Principles” section of the constitution. The Constituent Assembly used Directive Principles to urge state action, but these are not mandatory. The government of India still has not standardized the civil code. The Special Marriage Act of 1954 created a religiously...
