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Kuleshov effect

1. (film) Any montage sequence in which the relationship of two adjacent shots appears to be particularly meaningful. In what has come to be referred to as the Kuleshov (or ...

film semiotics

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Encyclopedia of Semiotics

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Subject Reference
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Language reference, Linguistics
3,089 words

...in a film. He also showed that montage (i.e., juxtaposition of images or sequences) produces a psychological effect on the spectator and creates certain significations that are not merely the sum of the elements involved. These processes were studied from the point of view of film stylistics rather than filmic language. In this respect, Eisenstein's position differs from that of other Russians such as Dziga Vertov ( 1896–1954 ), Lev Kuleshov ( 1899–1970 ), and Vsevolod Pudovkin ( 1893–1953 ), who were mainly interested in film syntax. Christian Metz ...
