Spies, Claudio (26 March 1925) Reference library
Robert Pollock and Jonas Westover
The Grove Dictionary of American Music (2 ed.)
...; A la vez, ob/eng hn, E♭ cl/B♭ cl/b cl, 1997 Principal publishers: Boelke-Bomart, Boosey & Hawkes, Elkan-Vogel, Presser Bibliography D. Martino : “Claudio Spies: Tempi,” PNM , ii/2 (1963–4), 112–24 Compositores de América/Composers of the Americas , xv (Washington, DC, 1969), 214 P. Lansky : “The Music of Claudio Spies,” Tempo , no.103 (1972–3), 38–44 S. Peles : “A Conversation with Claudio Spies,” PNM , xxxii/1 (1994), 292–325 Robert Pollock / Jonas...
Spiers, Richard Phené (19 May 1838) Reference library
Benezit Dictionary of British Graphic Artists and Illustrators
..., Richard Phené British , 19th – 20th century, male. Born 19 May 1838 , in Oxford; died 3 October 1916 , in London. Painter , engraver , architect . Architectural views. Richard Spiers was mainly active as an architect, becoming President of the Royal Society of British Architects. He was also a Fellow of the Society of Artists. Museum and Gallery Holdings London (Victoria and Albert Mus.): two...
Spiers, Benjamin Walter (1860-1910) Reference library
Benezit Dictionary of British Graphic Artists and Illustrators
..., Benjamin Walter British , 19th – 20th century, male. Active 1860-1910 . Born c.1850 ; died c.1910 . Painter (gouache) , watercolourist , draughtsman , illustrator . Genre scenes, interiors with figures, still-lifes. Auction Records London, 1 March 1984 : A Corner of the Library ( 1884 , watercolour heightened with gouache, 16¼ × 26 ins/41 × 66 cm) GBP 3,600 London, 29 Oct 1985 : Polite Literature ( 1881 , watercolour and pencil heightened with white, 11 × 16¾ ins/28.1 × 42.5 cm) GBP 1,500 London, 21 Jan 1986 : Away from the World and its...
Gelbann Quick reference
A Dictionary of Celtic Mythology
..., Gelban . . Spy for Conchobar mac Nessa in most versions of the Deirdre story. Although the son of the king of Lochlainn , Gelbann was dispatched by Conchobar to see if Deirdre's beauty had faded while she was on the run with her lover Noíse. Noticing Gelbann peering through the window, Noíse threw a fidchell piece at him, putting out his eye. But Gelbann retorted that he would gladly surrender his other eye to gaze again upon Deirdre's beauty. In some versions of the story Conchobar's servant Tréndorn plays the spy...
André, John (1751) Reference library
Benezit Dictionary of British Graphic Artists and Illustrators
...John British , 18th century, male. Born 1751 , in London; died 1780 , in Tappan-on-Hudson, New York State. Painter , miniaturist , engraver (etching) . Landscapes. John André served as Adjutant-General of the British forces in America, where he was captured as a spy and executed by firing squad. His self-portrait was later engraved by...
Palamedes Reference library
The Oxford Companion to World Mythology
...Nauplian prince Palamedes who tricked the Odysseus into admitting that he was not insane when the Greek hero of Homer 's Odyssey attempted to evade the Trojan War “draft” by pretending to be so. Odysseus never forgave Palamedes for this insult and later accused him of spying for the Trojans, an accusation that led to Palamedes'...
Cephalus Reference library
The Oxford Companion to World Mythology
...Cephalus promised to love in return for the dog and spear. When the boy revealed himself to be Procris, Cephalus became reconciled to his wife. But the jealous Procris spied on her husband, who accidentally killed her while out hunting with the ever-accurate spear. In this artist's rendition, Procris (right) falls dead after her husband, Cephalus, accidentally kills her with an arrow as she spies on him when he is out hunting. Erich Lessing/Art Resource, New York. Residenzgalerie, Salzburg,...
spriggans Quick reference
A Dictionary of English Folklore
...to Robert Hunt, they are the ghosts of giants , and therefore able to swell from their usual small size into huge figures ( Hunt , 1865 : 90). Both Bottrell and Hunt tell local legends in which spriggans are described as merrily playing music and dancing, and attack men who spy on them. Anyone who digs for their treasures will find himself surrounded by hideous and terrifying figures till he flees in panic; if he is brave enough to return, he will find the pit he dug has closed up...
Rosenberg Case Reference library
Richard Gid Powers
The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Military and Diplomatic History
...contacts with the supersecret information he received from well-placed spies at the Manhattan Project's Los Alamos, New Mexico, atomic research facility. Despite clues from Soviet defectors, American authorities did not learn about atomic espionage until 1948 , when the Federal Bureau of Investigation, working with code breakers in the U.S. Army, decrypted and interpreted nearly three thousand messages, called the Venona Cables, between Soviet intelligence agencies in Moscow and spies in the United States. The cables quickly led to David Greenglass ,...
Boelke-Bomart Reference library
Alan Pope and R. Allen Lott
The Grove Dictionary of American Music (2 ed.)
...music, and under the general editorship ( 1952–82 ) of Jacques-Louis Monod , who succeeded Kurt List , built up a small but important catalog. Among its composers are Arthur Berger , Lansky , Lerdahl , Perle , Roslawez , Schoenberg , Skrowaczewski , and Claudio Spies . In 1975 a sister company, Mobart Music Publications (an affiliate of BMI), was founded; its composers include Babbitt , Gideon , Ives , Leon Kirchner , Leibowitz , Monod , Pollock , Shifrin , Ben Weber , Webern , Zemlinsky , and Zwilich . The distributor for both...
Hagen, Earle (9 July 1919) Reference library
James Deaville
The Grove Dictionary of American Music (2 ed.)
...Dyke Show ( 1961–6 ), Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C. ( 1964–9 ), I Spy ( 1965–8 ), That Girl ( 1966–71 ), The Mod Squad ( 1968–72 ), and The Dukes of Hazzard ( 1983–5 ). His autobiography suggests that he composed and conducted 3,000 television episodes in all. He possessed the ability to create an appropriate and memorable theme through effective melodic writing, colorful scoring, and stylistic deftness, regardless of the show's genre. Hagen won an Emmy in 1968 for his compositional work on I Spy . He retired from film and television composition in 1986 ....
I.R.S. Reference library
Thane Tierney
The Grove Dictionary of American Music (2 ed.)
...Record Syndicate (a/k/a I.R.S.), for which he named 21-year-old Jay Boberg to oversee American operations. I.R.S. not only reissued Illegal releases originally distributed in the United Kingdom, but also became the umbrella group for a host of labels, including Industrial Records, Spy Records, Deptford Fun City Records, No Speak, the independent label Rough Trade, and others, as well as issuing records under the I.R.S. banner. Notable artists included the Buzzcocks, the Cramps, Oingo Boingo, Renaissance, Wall of Voodoo, the Go-Go's, and R.E.M. In 1985 I.R.S....
Society of Composers, Inc Reference library
Christopher E. Mehrens
The Grove Dictionary of American Music (2 ed.)
...of Composers, Inc . Organization founded in New York in 1966 as the American Society of University Composers by Donald Martino, J.K. Randall, Claudio Spies, Henry Weinberg, Peter Westergaard, Charles Wuorinen, and Benjamin Boretz. Its mission was to further the cause of contemporary American music by providing opportunities for performing, recording, and publishing compositions by its members. In 1986 the organization's name was changed to the Society of Composers, Inc. (SCI) to reflect the demography of the organization. Each year the society hosts...
Scripture Union, India Reference library
Peter S.C. Pothan
The Oxford Encyclopaedia of South Asian Christianity
...Union, India Scripture Union (SU) and the Children's Special Service Mission (CSSM) was founded in England by Josiah Spiers in 1867 , and has been working in India * since 1901 . R.T. Archibald brought it to India, and visited the English medium schools to hold missions. Rev. A. Quintin Carr , Rev. Cecil M. Johnston , Rev. Joe Mullins , and John Jacob followed him in this ministry. This has grown into a nationwide movement with over fifty staff members working all over the nation. Today most of the staff members are Indians, many of whom...
Haida Creation Reference library
A Dictionary of Creation Myths
...north country fascination with the trickster‐creator Raven , or Old Man ( see also Trickster ). The creation itself is essentially ex nihilo ( see also Creation from Nothing ). There was a time when only the sea existed and Raven, who was a god then, was flying over it. He spied a tiny island below him and he commanded it to become earth, and it did. When the new earth had grown a lot, Raven cut it up, making Queen Charlotte Island out of a small piece and the rest of the world out of a large one. On one of his walks around the world he heard a sound...
Debney, John (18 Aug 1956) Reference library
Durrell Bowman
The Grove Dictionary of American Music (2 ed.)
...Island (1995); The Cape (TV, 1996); Doctor Who (TV, 1996); The Relic (1997); I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997); Liar Liar (1997); My Favorite Martian (1999); Dick (1999); Inspector Gadget (1999); End of Days (1999); Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius (2001); Spy Kids (2001); The Princess Diaries (2001); Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams (2002) [with R. Rodriguez]; The Scorpion King (2002); Elf (2003); Bruce Almighty (2003); The Passion of the Christ (2004); Chicken Little (2005); Sin City (2005); Idlewild (2006), Evan Almighty (2007); Meet Dave (2008); My...
McCarthyism Reference library
Thomas C. Reeves
The Oxford Companion to American Politics
...the party, were aiding the communist cause. Soon, such events as the Judith Coplon case (in which a Department of Justice employee was arrested as a Soviet spy), the communist takeover of China , the Soviet Union’s unexpected development of the atomic bomb, and the sensational perjury conviction of the liberal Alger Hiss (which many interpreted as a vindication of charges that he had been a Red spy), persuaded many in the United States that something was definitely wrong in Washington . Joe McCarthy entered the picture in February 1950 ,...
Lunch, Lydia (2 June 1959) Reference library
Lisa MacKinney
The Grove Dictionary of American Music (2 ed.)
...used as extreme noise-making devices to create discomforting, visceral sounds—Lunch regularly used electric guitar with a slide in this manner to piercing, abrasive effect. Lunch released her first solo album, Queen of Siam , in 1980 , after which she formed the group 8 Eyed Spy, which lasted until 1982 . A series of collaborations followed with, among many others, the Birthday Party and Rowland S. Howard , Michael Gira (Swans), Kim Gordon and Thurston Moore (Sonic Youth), and Jim Thirlwell (Foetus). Lunch has consistently and stridently resisted...
McDonald, Susann (26 May 1935) Reference library
Ann Griffiths and Megan E. Hill
The Grove Dictionary of American Music (2 ed.)
...Fauré , Félix Godefroid , Marcel Tournier , Claude Debussy , Isaac Albéniz , Anthoine Francisque , and Alfredo Ortiz , among many others. In addition, she has given first performances of many works composed for her, including Joseph Wagner 's Fantasy Sonata , LaSalle Spier 's Sonata , and Camil van Hulse 's Suite, all for solo harp. A teacher of great distinction, she succeeded Marcel Grandjany at the Juilliard School in 1975 , continuing to teach there until 1985 . From 1981 she also taught at Indiana University where she was chair of the...