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Subject: Music

This US pomp-rock quintet was formed in 1981 by ex-Foreigner duo Al Greenwood (b. New York, USA; keyboards) and Edward Gagliardi (b. 13 February 1952, New York, USA; bass). Enlisting ... ...

Biographical Approaches in Education in Germany

Biographical Approaches in Education in Germany   Reference library

Bettina Dausien and Peter Alheit

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods in Education

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Education
12,591 words

...contradiction ( Koller, 1999 ), approaches based on habitus theory ( Koller, 2012 ; von Rosenberg, 2011 ), subjectivization theories drawing on Foucault and Butler ( Ricken, 1999 ; Ricken & Rieger-Ladich, 2004 ), or with analyses of power structures drawing on Hall (cf., Spies, 2010 ). The center of research interest is above all the clarification of theoretical concepts, for example the delineation between the concepts of Bildung and “learning.” This focus often misses some key insights of social-scientific biographical research, above all the...

Arts-Based Pedagogy and Gender Equity

Arts-Based Pedagogy and Gender Equity   Reference library

Mindi Rhoades

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality in Education

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Education
9,080 words

...to hierarchies, to inequitable power structures and practices. Critical ABPs are equity-based pedagogies. Further Reading Collins, G. , & Sandell, R. (1987). Women’s achievements in art: An issues approach for the classroom. Art Education , 40 (3), 12–21. Gaudelius, Y. , & Spiers, P. (Eds.). (2002). Contemporary issues in art education . Prentice Hall. Keifer-Boyd, K. , & Smith-Shank, D. (2006). Speculative fiction’s contribution to contemporary understanding: The handmaid art tale. Studies in Art Education , 47 (2), 139–154. Keifer-Boyd, K. , ...

Democracy, Education, and the Performing Arts

Democracy, Education, and the Performing Arts   Reference library

Kanako W. Ide

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Education

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Philosophy, Social sciences, Education
8,018 words

...Butterfly by Hwang is the best known ( Ogawa, 2007 ). The story of M. Butterfly is that a French heterosexual male diplomat falls in love with a Chinese male spy, disguised as a Chinese female classical opera artist, who is spying on him. Due to the stereotypes of orientalism, colonialism, and sexism, until being arrested, the Frenchman does not realize that his Asian lover is actually a male spy and has deceived him. According to Ogawa ( 2007 ) , the Frenchman’s stereotypes synchronize with the audiences’ stereotypes. Until experiencing the show, many...

Inclusion and Migration

Inclusion and Migration   Reference library

Oakleigh Welply

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Race and Education

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Education, Sociology
13,981 words

...immigrant students to succeed at school—And beyond . Paris, France: OECD Publishing. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. (2017). Interrelations between public policies, migration and development . Paris, France: OECD Publishing. Pal Sian, K. (2015). Spies, surveillance and stakeouts: Monitoring Muslim moves in British state schools. Race, Ethnicity and Education , 18 (1), 183–201. Pecenka, J. , & Anthias, F. (2015). Minority faith schools as claims for cultural recognition? Two examples from England. Identities: Global Studies...
