Origin and Development of Agriculture in New Guinea, Island Melanesia, and Polynesia Reference library
Tim Denham
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Agriculture and the Environment
...gradually transformed agricultural practices from a sole focus on food to the additional production of surplus for animal fodder. Three sites illustrate the continuity of arboricultural practices in lowland New Guinea and Island Melanesia during the mid- to late Holocene: Dongan midden in the Sepik-Ramu Basin on New Guinea dates to c. 6800–6000 cal bp ( Fairbairn & Swadling, 2005 ; Swadling, Araho, & Ivuyo, 1991 ); Apalo in the Arawe Islands, near New Britain dates from 4250–4050 cal bp to possibly c. 1000 cal bp ( Gosden & Webb, 1994 ; Specht &...
Ancient and Traditional Agriculture, Pastoralism, and Agricultural Societies in Sub-Saharan Africa Reference library
Andrew B. Smith
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Agriculture and the Environment
...than others. The Lod1a1a genome could have come from the incoming herders taking wives from the local hunter-gatherer society ( Barbieri et al., 2014 ). In Kenya, on the shores of Lake Victoria, large middens of shells were accumulated between 2000 and 3000 bp . This was occurring at the same time that similar ‘mega-middens’ (some 10,000 cubic meters of shell in some cases) were being formed on the west coast of the Cape, South Africa. The timing of this may not have been a coincidence. Kansyore-using East African shellfish exploiters also invested huge...
The Agriculture of Early India Reference library
Charlene Murphy and Dorian Q. Fuller
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Agriculture and the Environment
...Thar Desert (Sindh, Pakistan). Ancient Sindh , 2 , 7–12. Boivin, N. (2004). Landscape and cosmology in the South Indian Neolithic: New perspectives on the Deccan ashmounds . Cambridge Archaeological Journal , 14 (2), 235–257. Boivin, N. , & Fuller, D. Q. (2009). Shell middens, ships and seeds: Exploring coastal subsistence, maritime trade and the dispersal of domesticates in and around the ancient Arabian Peninsula . Journal of World Prehistory , 22 (2), 113–180. Boivin, N. , Fuller, D. Q. , Korisettar, R. , & Petraglia, M. (2008). First farmers...
Human-Environmental Interrelationships and the Origins of Agriculture in Egypt and Sudan Reference library
Simon Holdaway and Rebecca Phillipps
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Agriculture and the Environment
...than a replacement for wild species ( Brewer, 1989 ; Wetterstrom, 1993 ). Fish are also present in high numbers at Merimde where they represent 11.5 percent of the identified remains in level I and up to 45 percent in the later levels. At Sais, what is described as a fish midden is dominated by catfish and tilapia, while at El Omari the fauna also contains a large number of fish consisting mainly of deep-water species. At the Badarian site of Maghar Dendera 2, fish are also predominantly deep-water species from the Nile River’s main channel. Fish are...