


shell midden

Subject: Archaeology

[MC] An extensive rubbish heap consisting largely of shells discarded after the removal of the soft edible body portion, the result of many years of exploitation of marine ...

Inca Voyages of Exploration

Inca Voyages of Exploration   Reference library

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Maritime History

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Military History
880 words

...Voyages of Exploration By the time of Inca expansion in the fifteenth century c.e. , there had been three millennia of fishing off the Pacific coast of Peru . There is ample archaeological evidence of this activity: massive shell middens, datable to more than three thousand years ago, and pre-Inca pottery, textiles, and metalwork that depict fish, squid, and other marine creatures. Some ceramics and architectural reliefs of the Mochica (north coast of Peru, first millennium c.e. ) and their successors the Chimu either are decorated with large oceangoing...
