



Dating back to before written historical records begin. In Europe this includes the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age. In North America prehistory is usually taken to refer any ...


hunter-gatherers   Quick reference

A Dictionary of Cultural Anthropology

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Social sciences, Anthropology
122 words

...have explicitly challenged the following common but inaccurate Western stereotypes of hunter-gatherers: that theirs is a precarious and laborious way to live; that hunting is a more important source of calories than gathering; that they are living examples of a ‘prehistoric past’ and thus unaffected by historical change; and that they always avoid surpluses. Compare foraging and band...

Population Trends

Population Trends   Reference library

Encyclopedia of Evolution

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...of modern humans. Unfortunately, reconstructing ancient population trends has proven a daunting task. Studies of prehistoric demography rely on three primary sources of data: archaeology, archaeologically recovered human skeletons, and the genetic structure of living human populations. Each of these has great potential but presents obstacles that have yet to be surmounted. Archaeology Archaeology supplies vital data for reconstructing prehistoric population size, density, and population growth. To make these estimates, archaeologists rely on object counts....

Archaeological Inference

Archaeological Inference   Reference library

Encyclopedia of Evolution

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...a term imported from a parallel use in paleontology, denotes research on causal relations in the present to understand evidence from the ancient past. It encompasses experimental archaeology, ethnoarchaeology, taphonomy, and other research on the “source side” of analogues for prehistoric evidence. Monitoring both processes and their consequences, actualistic research has built up an impressive casebook of “signatures” of various agents in archaeological materials. Lithic tool edge use and bone modification are particularly well-studied and productive areas in...


Lupemban   Reference library

Nicholas Taylor

The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Archaeology

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7,517 words

...and their Implications for the Prehistory of Central Africa.” Nature 266: 812–815. Clark, J. D. 1959. The Prehistory of Southern Africa . New York: Plenum Press. Clark, J. D. 1963. Prehistoric Cultures of Northeast Angola and their Significance in Tropical Africa . Lisbon: Companhis de Diamantes de Angola (DIAMANG). Clark, J. D. 1969. Kalambo Falls Prehistoric Site . Vol. 1, The Geology, Palaeoecology and Detailed Stratigraphy of the Excavations . Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Clark, J. D. 1982. “The Transition from Lower to Middle ...

People, Plants, Animals, and Formlings in the Rock Art of Zimbabwe

People, Plants, Animals, and Formlings in the Rock Art of Zimbabwe   Reference library

Ancila Nhamo

The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Archaeology

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9,238 words

...Okahandja, Namibia: Southern African Rock Art Research Association. Erwee, D. 1999. “Survey of Rock Art Sites North of Bindura.” Zimbabwean Prehistory 23: 57–61. Garlake, P. S. 1987a. “Themes in the Prehistoric Art of Zimbabwe.” World Archaeology 19 (2): 178–193. Garlake, P. S. 1987b. The Painted Caves: An Introduction to the Prehistoric Art of Zimbabwe . Harare, Zimbabwe: Modus. Garlake, P. S. 1988. “Approaches to the Study of Rock Paintings in Zimbabwe.” Zimbabwean Prehistory 20: 9–13. Garlake, P. S. 1989. “The Power of Elephants: Scenes...


Geochronology   Reference library

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...are all based on measurement of changes in atomic structure caused when materials are irradiated by radioactivity from the small amounts of the radioactive elements uranium, thorium, and potassium found in ordinary sediment. Thermoluminescence (TL). Flint, which was used by prehistoric humans for toolmaking, gives off a little flash of light when it is heated: this represents the release of atomic energy that has built up in the flint as it was naturally irradiated. Flint artifacts that have been heated in an ancient fireplace will start to build up a new...

Salt Production, Use, and Trade

Salt Production, Use, and Trade   Reference library

Alexander Antonites

The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Archaeology

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7,895 words

... 2015 ; Connah 1997 ; Kawashima 2015 ). In both South and East Africa ( Antonites 2013 ; Connah 1997 ; Evers 1973 ; Fagan 1963 ), for example, excavations of salt-making sites were key to establishing regional ceramic and cultural historical sequences, since most prehistoric societies here were mobile and very few stratified settlement sites exist (also see Cardale-Schrimpff 2015 ). As sites with deep chronological depth, salt-making sites are also some of the earliest identifiable Neolithic industries visible in the archaeological record, with...


Sangoan   Reference library

Nicholas Taylor

The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Archaeology

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Archaeology, Social sciences, Anthropology
8,348 words

... Current Anthropology 1 (4): 307–324. Clark, J. D. 1963. Prehistoric Cultures of Northeast Angola and Their significance in Tropical Africa . Lisbon: Companhis de Diamantes de Angola (DIAMANG). Clark, J. D. 1964. “The Sangoan Culture of Equatoria: The Implications of Its Stone Equipment.” In Miscellanea en honenaje al Abate Henri Breuil , Volume 1, edited by E. Ripoll-Perello , 309–321. Barcelona: Instituto de Prehistoria y Arqueologia. Clark, J. D. 1965. The Distribution of Prehistoric Culture in Angola . Lisbon: Companhis de Diamantes de Angola...

Restitution and Archaeological Collections in Africa

Restitution and Archaeological Collections in Africa   Reference library

Didier Houenoude, Monica Coralli, and Didier N’Dah

The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Archaeology

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5,796 words

...metropole. In Algeria, a colony of settlement was quickly established. During the development phase of the colonies, opportunities to locate or uncover archaeological deposits multiplied. These missions were also favorable to the discovery of numerous prehistoric sites. The possibilities offered to prehistoric research would be a favorable factor for the arrival of certain archaeological professionals ( Shaw et al. 1993 ). The Pioneers of Scientific Research and the Teaching of ArchAeology in Africa It was the invasion of Egypt by French troops led by Napoleon...

Techno-Cultural Groups of the Middle Paleolithic of West Africa

Techno-Cultural Groups of the Middle Paleolithic of West Africa   Reference library

Djidere Baldé

The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Archaeology

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4,152 words

...pieces,” filling the prehistoric gap that exists in southern Africa between the final stages of Acheulean and the Middle Paleolithic (MP)/Middle Stone Age (MSA). In fact, the Sangoan is a southern African industry whose center of gravity is situated in central Africa. In West Africa, the Sangoans occupied a forested strip in the countries surrounding the Gulf of Guinea. Several Sangoan deposits were thus reported in this region during the 1960s and 1980s. However, they are all controversial. The rare Sangoan sites mentioned in prehistoric studies are...

Maritime Archaeological Research in Sub-Saharan Africa

Maritime Archaeological Research in Sub-Saharan Africa   Reference library

Bruno E.J.S.Werz

The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Archaeology

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13,527 words

...for the Development of Maritime Archaeological Research in Namibia.” Journal of Namibian Studies: History, Politics, Culture 2:103–123. Werz, Bruno , Hayley Cawthra , and John Compton . 2014. “Recent Developments in African Offshore Prehistoric Archaeological Research, with an Emphasis on South Africa.” In Prehistoric Archaeology on the Continental Shelf: A Global Review , edited by Amanda M. Evans , Joseph C. Flatman , and Nicholas C. Flemming , 233–254. New York: Springer. Westerdahl, Christer . 2011. “The Maritime Cultural Landscape.” In The Oxford...

Genetics and Domestic Fauna in Southern Africa

Genetics and Domestic Fauna in Southern Africa   Reference library

K. Ann Horsburgh

The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Archaeology

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7,755 words

...of Dorset Horn and Blackhead Persian ancestry) and Marino breeds are resulting in a reduction in the genetic distinctiveness of the Nguni breeds ( Kuneue, Bezuidenhout, and Nsahlai 2009 ; Kuneue et al. 2014 ; Selepe et al. 2018 ; Soma et al. 2012 ). It is likely that prehistoric sheep populations in Africa will have undergone serial founder effects, progressively reducing genetic diversity as groups moved south through the continent. These studies of microsatellite variation have found relatively high levels of genetic diversity in Nguni sheep,...

Bone Tool Technology in the Stone Age of Africa

Bone Tool Technology in the Stone Age of Africa   Reference library

Justin Bradfield

The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Archaeology

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7,381 words

... Choyke, A. , and J. Schibler . 2007. Prehistoric Bone Tools and the Archaeozoological Perspective: Research in Central Europe. In Bone as tools: Current Methods and Interpretations in Worked Bone Studies, BAR International Series 1622 , edited by C. St.-Pierre and R. Walker , 51–65. Oxford: Archaeopress. Clark, J. D. 1959. The Prehistory of Southern Africa . Harmondsworth: Penguin. Clark, J. D. 1977. “Interpretations of Prehistoric Technology from Ancient Egyptian and Other Sources. Part II: Prehistoric Arrow forms in Africa as Shown by...

Archaeological Adhesives

Archaeological Adhesives   Reference library

Geeske Langejans, Alessandro Aleo, Sebastian Fajardo, and Paul Kozowyk

The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Archaeology

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22,631 words

...in Northwest China: Evidence from Organic Residues in Prehistoric Pottery at the Changning Site .” Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 28 (2): 199–207. Rao, Huiyun , Yimin Yang , Idelisi Abuduresule , Wenying Li , Xingjun Hu , and Changsui Wang . 2015. “ Proteomic Identification of Adhesive on a Bone Sculpture-Inlaid Wooden Artifact from the Xiaohe Cemetery, Xinjiang, China .” Journal of Archaeological Science 53: 148–155. Regert, Martine . 2004. “Investigating the History of Prehistoric Glues by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry.” Journal...

Northeastern African Stone Age

Northeastern African Stone Age   Reference library

Alice Leplongeon

The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Archaeology

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14,380 words

...“The Lagaman Industry.” In Prehistoric Investigations in Gebel Maghara, Northern Sinai . Edited by O. Bar-Yosef and J. L. Phillips , 42–84. QEDEM 7, Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology. Jerusalem: Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Bar-Yosef, O. , and J. L. Phillips , eds. 1977. Prehistoric Investigations in Gebel Maghara, Northern Sinai . QEDEM 7, Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology. Jerusalem: Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Beyin, A. , P. R. Chauhan , and A. Nassr . 2019. “ Reconnaissance of Prehistoric Sites in the Red Sea Coastal...

Urbanization in the Middle Niger of Mali

Urbanization in the Middle Niger of Mali   Reference library

Roderick McIntosh

The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Archaeology

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5,145 words

...A Late Prehistoric Occupation of the Southwestern Sahara.” PhD diss., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Munson, P. J. 1980. “Archaeology and the Prehistoric Origins of the Ghana Empire.” Journal of African History 21: 457–466. Ould Khattar, M. 1995a. “La fin des Temps Préhistoriques dans le sud-est Mauritanien.” PhD. diss., Université de Paris-I, Pantheon-Sorbonne. Ould Khattar, M. 1995b. “Les sites Gangara, la fin de la culture de Tichitt et l’origine de Ghana.” Journal des Africanistes 65: 31–41. Park, D. P. 2010. “Prehistoric...

Senegambian Macrolithism in its West African Context

Senegambian Macrolithism in its West African Context   Reference library

Demba Kebe

The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Archaeology

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5,513 words

...for tool making. Because of this, macrolithism can be understood as an identity and economic marker at the interface between Neolithic human groups and their environment. In Africa, the analysis of artifacts long formed the basis of chronological frameworks for classifying prehistoric sites, prior to the nearly universal application of radiometric dating techniques ( Tryon 2013 ). This article examines materials used for the production of macrolithic tools and the techniques employed in the reduction and shaping (“lithic shaping”) of tools in the Neolithic...


Art   Reference library

Encyclopedia of Evolution

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4,903 words

...from being based not simply on the biologically fittest but on the fittest who work within the language of art (create, interpret, read, re-create), and those who best make use of the information it transmits. Bahn, P. G. , Prehistoric Art . Cambridge, 1998. A comprehensive book of illustrations and overall descriptions of prehistoric art. Barber, C. L. , The Story of Language . London, 1967. An excellent catch-all book from the perspective of research in 1967. Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. , and F. Cavalli-Sforza . The Great Human Diasporas: The History of...


Stratigraphy   Reference library

Encyclopedia of Evolution

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Science and technology, Life Sciences, Social sciences, Anthropology
1,510 words

...Courtesy the Library, American Museum of Natural History. Figure 2. Modern Concept of Horse Evolution.Shown are much more complex, bushy, branching pattern as we discover more horse fossils. Donald Prothero. See also Geology ; Paleontology . Berry, W. B. N. Growth of Prehistoric Time Scale . 2d ed. Palo Alto, Calif., 1987. An excellent account of the historic development of the understanding of geologic time. Dalrymple, G. B. The Age of the Earth . Palo Alto, Calif., 1991. A thorough account of the attempt to date the earth, and how modern methods of...

Shell Middens and Coastal Prehistory

Shell Middens and Coastal Prehistory   Reference library

John Parkington and Ruan Brand

The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Archaeology

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14,115 words

...Schwarcz . 1986. “Isotope Assessment and the Seasonal-Mobility Hypothesis in the Southwestern Cape of South Africa [and Comments and Replies].” Current Anthropology 27 (2): 135–150. Shawcross, W. 1967. “An Investigation of Prehistoric Diet and Economy on a Coastal Site at Galatea Bay, New Zealand.” Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 33:107–131. Shiner, J. S. , P. C. Fanning , S. J. Holdaway , F. Petchey , C. Beresford , E. Hoffman , and B. Larsen . 2013. “Shell Mounds as the Basis for Understanding Human-Environment Interaction in Far North Queensland...
