



Dating back to before written historical records begin. In Europe this includes the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age. In North America prehistory is usually taken to refer any ...

antiquities and looting

antiquities and looting   Reference library

The New Oxford Companion to Law

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
783 words

...finds of early gold and silver, including coins, usually went to the British Museum or a local museum. The Treasure Act ( 1996 ) codified these procedures, requiring that landowners as well as finders receive compensation, and widening the category of ‘treasure’ to include prehistoric bronze objects. Since the first Ancient Monuments Act of 1882 , officially designated (‘scheduled’) sites and monuments in England and Wales have been protected against unauthorized excavation: comparable legislation exists for Scotland and Northern Ireland. The increased...

archaeological heritage

archaeological heritage   Reference library

The New Oxford Companion to Law

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
833 words

...Areas) Act 1990 (‘LBA’). The AMAA empowers the government to ‘schedule’ any monument considered by them to be of national importance, including the remains of ‘any structure, work, cave or excavation’. There are over 30,000 scheduled monuments in the UK, including prehistoric earthworks, sites detected from aerial photography, medieval ruins, and industrial structures. Groups of scheduled monuments may cluster to provide protection of a landscape, for example, on Salisbury Plain or the castles of Edward I in Gwynedd. Yet the sole measure in the...

Environmental Law

Environmental Law   Reference library

The Oxford Companion to American Law

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
5,542 words

...bird sanctuary in Florida, Roosevelt issued 53 executive orders establishing national wildlife refuges. In 1906 Congress enacted the American Antiquities Act, which authorizes the president to set aside federal lands as national monuments to preserve “features of historic, prehistoric, and scientific interest.” Roosevelt used this authority to establish Devil’s Tower as the first national monument. He later designated the Grand Canyon as a national monument, the first of many monuments that later became national parks. Beginning in 1908 , the Sierra Club...


Gender   Reference library

Sophie Démare-Lafont, Robert S. Kawashima, William Loader, and Charlotte Elisheva Fonrobert

The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Law

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Religion, Law
31,119 words

...and archaeological data. As a result, several new theories emerged. One of them postulated the existence of the famous Mother Goddess in Mediterranean, ancient Near Eastern, and Egyptian prehistoric societies. Most who held to this theory were nonacademic feminists who relied on Marija Gimbutas’s conclusions ( 1974 ; 1989 ) about a prehistorical gynocracy that exalted the creative and nourishing abilities of women and their pacific and egalitarian values and that was eventually defeated by male Indo-European warriors who established the...
