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See also epistemology; Thomas theorem. 1. Broadly, the stance that the truth of any knowledge or fact is tied to a particular frame of ...

Judgment as the Imagination of Futures: Practical Rationality in Decisions on Complex Issues

Judgment as the Imagination of Futures: Practical Rationality in Decisions on Complex Issues   Reference library

Michael J. Mazarr

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Political Decision Making

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Politics
15,356 words

...When we perceive, “we are making judgments about the world, and thereby making sense of it.…To see is to judge—sometimes to the point of radically revising what we actually see” ( Thiele, 2006 , pp. 2–3). This broad situation matches closely Friedrich Nietzsche’s concept of perspectivism—the idea that knowledge is not detached, abstract, “objective,” but rather built up through a constant process of engagement with the world ( Cox, 1999 , p. 115). Objects or phenomena in the world have no meaning apart from the meaning assigned to them with interpretations....

Image Repair in Crisis Communication

Image Repair in Crisis Communication   Reference library

William L. Benoit

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Crisis Analysis

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Politics
7,721 words

...during fraud crises. Journal of Public Relations Research , 21 , 218–228. Cherwitz, R. A. , & Hikins, J. W. (1982). Toward a rhetorical epistemology. Southern Speech Communication Journal , 47 , 135–162. Cherwitz, R. A. , & Hikins, J. W. (1983). Rhetorical perspectivism. Quarterly Journal of Speech , 69 , 248–266. Compton, J. (2014). Arby’s image repair tactics as a public relations strategy. Public Relations Review , 40 , 122–124. Compton, J. , & Miller, B. (2011). Image repair in late night comedy: Letterman and the Palin joke controversy...

Poststructuralism and Security

Poststructuralism and Security   Reference library

Lene Hansen

The International Studies Encyclopedia

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Politics, Warfare and Defence
9,598 words

...683–710. Weber, C. (2006b) Imagining America at War: Morality, Politics, and Film . London: Routledge. Wendt, A. (1999) Social Theory of International Relations . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Wight, C. (1999) Meta-Campbell: The Epistemological Problems of Perspectivism. Review of International Studies 25(2), 311–16. Williams, M.C. (2003) Words, Images, Enemies: Securitization and International Politics. International Studies Quarterly 47(4), 511–31. Williams, M.C. (2005) What Is the National Interest? The Neoconservative Challenge in...

The Third Debate and Postpositivism

The Third Debate and Postpositivism   Reference library

Thierry Balzacq and Stéphane J. Baele

The International Studies Encyclopedia

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Politics, Warfare and Defence
11,917 words

...:24). Lapid ( 1989 :249) concludes that “for many years the international relations discipline has had the dubious honor of being among the least self-reflexive of the Western social sciences.” In this context, (neo)liberal and (neo)realist approaches are accused of lacking “perspectivism,” that is, of failing to operate reflexively vis-à-vis their objects and modes of inquiry. They are seen as sharing the same questionable ontological and epistemological “unspoken presuppositions” ( Ashley and Walker 1990 :263), given that they consider their objects of study...
