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See also epistemology; Thomas theorem. 1. Broadly, the stance that the truth of any knowledge or fact is tied to a particular frame of ...

Indigenous Studies: Brazil

Indigenous Studies: Brazil   Reference library

Tracy Devine Guzmán

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Literature, Literary theory and cultural studies
11,825 words

...for decades that Native individuals and communities in Brazil (and elsewhere) share and partake in what he calls “Amerindian perspectivism.” As he explains: “In this absolute discourse, each kind of being appears to itself—as human—even as it already acts by manifesting its distinct and definitive animal, plant, or spirit nature.” 64 Thus presuming “an epistemology that remains constant and variable ontologies,” perspectivism holds that diverse “existents”—animals, plants, spirits land formations, bodies of water, and so on—are “persons” who present...


Critique   Reference library

Charlie Blake

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Literature, Literary theory and cultural studies
14,592 words

...falsification of that which is paradoxically also a falsification, and so on down the line. Accordingly, the only possibility for true critique in this epistemological hall of mirrors lies with his doctrine—or perhaps more accurately a style of thinking—that he calls “perspectivism.” Perspectivism is a conceptual orientation reiterated by Nietzsche at various points, notably in his notes posthumously collected as The Will to Power , in which he famously iterates at various points and in various permutations that there are no facts but only interpretations—and...


Rhizome   Reference library

Claire Colebrook

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Literature, Literary theory and cultural studies
11,440 words

...or aspect of the composed world, offers a way to think about the world as a whole. In his book on Leibniz, Deleuze describes this as a unique form of perspectivism. Rather than say that it is impossible to know truth or reality as it is because we subjects are trapped in the bias of our unique perspectives, he redefines the world as the dynamic whole that is composed from multiple perspectives. 22 Perspectivism does not preclude the truth; truth is multiple, composed from all the perceptions that make up the world. Rhizomatic reading, thinking, and existing...


Laughter   Reference library

Anca Parvulescu

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Literature, Literary theory and cultural studies
10,403 words

... Don Quijote , 52. 15. If we agree that the Quijote is the first modern novel, inventing, among other things, the very notion of fictionality as unreliability, arguably the Western literary project is foundationally anchored in this instance of racialization. 16. On the perspectivism inherent in Zoroida’s use of the Arabic word marfuces , see Leo Spitzer , Linguistic and Literary History: Essays in Stylistics (New York: Russell & Russell, 1962). Spitzer writes: “She is using an originally Arabic word for ‘treacherous’ which had come to be borrowed by...
