cosmological perspectivism ([Th]) Quick reference
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (3 ed.)
...perspectivism [Th] A kind of animism developed by Viveiros de Castro on the basis of studying Amerindian cosmologies in which all beings occupy a referential point of view that makes all other beings like them in physical form, with common emotional, sensory, and symbolic understandings. In this sense humans and non-humans are believed to have a soul, and thus to have a point of view or ‘perspective’. While the life of non-humans is governed by the same values as humans, what may be different is the actual things that non-humans perceive and the...
skyscape archaeology ([Ge]) Quick reference
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (3 ed.)
...common in archaeoastronomy , focusing instead on the sociocultural contexts in which elements of particular skyscapes were made meaningful to past communities. Skyscape archaeology draws on a range of theoretical and interpretative tools, including phenomenology and perspectivism...
ontological turn ([Th]) Quick reference
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (3 ed.)
...turn [Th] A new way of thinking (or turn) in anthropology and archaeology that developed around 2010 through the work of Philippe Descola, Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, and Bruno Latour, amongst others. A kind of perspectivism, it focuses on understanding differences in cultural phenomena not as different interpretations of a singular world but rather as alternative realities and other ways of being that exist in parallel with our own. Thus, rather than trying to use modern perspectives to understand other cultures (whether past or present), it...
animism ([Th]) Quick reference
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (3 ed.)
...may be found. One of the four main ontological perspectives identified by Philippe Descola in his ontological grid; the opposite of naturalism . In archaeology the idea of animism is sometimes use to build ontologies of past communities, often through cosmological perspectivism...
Historical Materialism Reference library
Vicente Lull, Rafael Micó, Cristina Rihuete Herrada, and Roberto Risch
The Oxford Companion To Archaeology (2 ed.)
...that marked his writings during different phases of his life: cultural history, diffusionism, and functionalism. Childe initiated a determining characteristic of many Neo-Marxist archaeologists, which consists of using the work of Marx as if it were a ontology or doctrinal perspectivism together with an eclectic epistemology, which is sometimes contradictory to the dialectical materialism of Marx. A long Marxist tradition in archaeology has existed in Latin America since the 1920s and 1930s. In 1975 , a group of Latin American archaeologists presented a program...