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market clearing

The process of moving to a position where the quantity supplied is equal to the quantity demanded, or the assumption that economic forces always ensure the equality of supply and demand. ...


clearing   Quick reference

A Dictionary of Philosophy (3 ed.)

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88 words

... In commercial terms the periodic aggregation and reconciliation of a set of debts and credits incurred during transactions between some set of traders. In more theoretical economic terms, a market for some commodity is said to be cleared when supply and demand are in balance, so that there is neither a shortage nor a surplus of the commodity. In a depression the price of both goods and labour fail to adjust themselves so that markets in either of them clear: there remain unwanted goods and unemployed...

science and philosophy

science and philosophy   Reference library

The Continuum Encyclopedia of British Philosophy

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9,979 words

...early as Locke's famous epistle to the reader in the Essay ( 1690 ), a rival conception of the philosopher's role was articulated. Among such ‘master builders’ as Newton , Boyle , Huygens and Sydenham , Locke is content to serve in the modest role of an underlabourer , clearing the ground for the new temple of science. The job of the underlabourer involves sweeping away the rubbish (Aristotelian philosophy, various popular prejudices), clarifying key terms and explaining the new science in lay terms. It does not involve specifying in advance either the...

Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig

Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig (1886–1969)   Reference library

K. Michael Hays

Encyclopedia of Aesthetics (2 ed.)

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Subject Reference
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Art & Architecture, Philosophy
3,977 words

...Seagram Building, in the altogether different time and place of Park Avenue, New York City, 1954–1958 . The focus of Mies’s attention in this project seems, at first, to be the plaza itself, with the building surface understood as a kind of frame or support for that primary clearing in the thickness of the Manhattan grid. We can think of the plaza as Mies’s attempt to pass beyond the contradictions of representation and resistance manifest in the two aspects of the 1922 skyscraper project toward some third term or “bound duality.” The plaza is a cutout in...


Politics   Reference library

Thijs Lijster, Steven C. Dubin, Mark Antliff, and James Miller

Encyclopedia of Aesthetics (2 ed.)

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Subject Reference
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Art & Architecture, Philosophy
19,455 words

...art, with artists conceiving of their artistic production as a political act, an act of protest, in itself. The military term “avant-garde” (first used in connection to the arts by the utopian socialist Claude Henri de Saint-Simon), suggests that the artist are somehow clearing the terrain for future humankind ( Egbert, 1970 ). According to the Dadaists, a group of artists that had gathered in Zürich during the war, the only antidote to the hypocrisy of bourgeois art was a kind of anti-art that deliberately crossed the line of the unintelligible and ...

Mies Van Der Rohe, Ludwig

Mies Van Der Rohe, Ludwig (1886)   Reference library

Encyclopedia of Aesthetics

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Subject Reference
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Art & Architecture, Philosophy
3,864 words

...New York City, 1954–1958 . mies van der rohe . Seagram Building (1991). © Esto. All rights reserved. The focus of Mies's attention in this project seems, at first, to be the plaza itself, with the building surface understood as a kind of frame or support for that primary clearing in the deadening thickness of the Manhattan grid. We can think of the plaza as Mies's attempt to pass beyond the contradictions of representation and resistance manifest in the two aspects of the 1922 skyscraper project toward some third term or “bound duality.” The plaza is a...

Democracy and Education in the United States

Democracy and Education in the United States   Reference library

Kathy Hytten

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Education

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Subject Reference
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Philosophy, Social sciences, Education
9,869 words

...Kappan , 89 (5), 328–339. Parker, W. C. (2003). Teaching democracy: Unity and diversity in public life . New York: Teachers College Press. Pederson, P. V. (2007). What is measured is treasured: The impact of the No Child Left Behind Act on nonassessed subjects. The Clearing House , 80 (6), 287–291. Price, J. M. (2011). Democracy: Critical red ideal. In J. L. DeVitis (Ed.), Critical civic literacy: A reader (pp. 291–304). New York: Peter Lang. Rothstein, R. , & Jacobsen, R. (2006). The goals of education. Phi Delta Kappan , 88 (4), 264–272...

Teacher Activism in the United States

Teacher Activism in the United States   Reference library

Kurt Stemhagen and Tamara Sober

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Education

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Philosophy, Social sciences, Education
8,228 words

...the “right” way: Markets, standards, God, and inequality (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge-Falmer. Ayers, W. (2004). Teaching toward freedom: Moral commitment and ethical action in the classroom . Boston, MA: Beacon Press. Barton, K. , & Levstik, L. (2004). Teaching history for the common good . New York, NY: Routledge. Bigelow, B. , & Peterson, B. (1998). Rethinking Columbus: The Next 500 years (2nd ed.). Milwaukee, WI: Rethinking Schools. Blendinger, J. (1970). Student attitudes toward teacher activism . Clearing House: A Journal of...
