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interpersonal comparisons

Comparing the welfare of one individual with that of another. The welfare level of an individual is measured by a utility function. Utility can be ordinal so that it is no more than a ...

Confucian Ethics

Confucian Ethics   Reference library


Berkshire Encyclopedia of China

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Subject Reference
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...Library, Yale University. Although Confucius had his gender biases, the content and practice of his moral teachings are similar to those of the feminists who advocate a contextual care ethic. Speaking generally, Confucius, like the feminists of care, was concerned about interpersonal relationships founded on love and affection; his known writings contain nothing of an ethics based on impersonal duty. In the writings of both Confucius and certain feminists, moral values are learned at home by participating in a morally healthy parent-child relationship. The...

Social Sciences

Social Sciences   Reference library

The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Religion, Social sciences, Regional and Area Studies
3,302 words

...Sciences . A strong interest in the social order was manifested from the earliest period of Islamic history. Society was to be patterned on the guidelines laid down in the Qurʿān, with the Prophet's sayings or traditions ( aḥādīth ) illustrating model behavior in interpersonal relationships. As the Islamic community and Islamic rule expanded rapidly in the seventh century ce , questions of political and social governance of multiethnic and mixed religious communities arose. The emergence of the schools of law ( madhāhib ) indicated the serious concern...

ZHOU Enlai

ZHOU Enlai (1898–1976)   Reference library

Shelley Drake HAWKS

Berkshire Encyclopedia of China

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Subject Reference
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...and economic construction that set the stage for Deng Xiaoping’s Second Revolution in the post–Cultural Revolution ( 1966–1976 ) period. Zhou Enlai rose quickly to a leadership position during the so-called United Front phase of Chinese politics ( 1924–1927 ), when his interpersonal skills were particularly useful for mediating between the Chinese Nationalist Party (Guomindang), China’s Communist Party, and the Soviet Union’s Communist International. Zhou first entered politics as a student activist and journalist in Tianjin during the May Fourth Movement...

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome in Africa: An Interpretation

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome in Africa: An Interpretation   Reference library

Encyclopedia of Africa

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Regional and Area Studies, History, Regional and National History
4,195 words

...it is cheap in comparison to the existing alternatives: drugs for a lifetime and/or death. Responses to AIDS have political dimensions in Africa, as elsewhere. Public health action takes place in an environment in which differences in understanding and unequal power relationships prevail. Because social structures limit the choices people make, stopping AIDS requires eliminating the barriers that deprive women of control over their sexual interactions and deprive poor people of control over their lives. Changes on the interpersonal level are...

Zhōu Ēnlái

Zhōu Ēnlái (1898–1976)   Reference library

Shelley Drake HAWKS

The Berkshire Dictionary of Chinese Biography

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Regional and National History, Social sciences, Regional and Area Studies
5,637 words

...military officers. Zhou had no military training, but his affiliation with generals at Whampoa Academy gave him credibility as a military organizer. While headquartered in Guangzhou, Zhou Enlai rose quickly to a top leadership position within the United Front. His interpersonal skills were particularly useful for mediating between the Chinese Nationalist Party, China’s Communist Party, and the Soviet Union’s Communist International. As he rose in the ranks, Zhou Enlai recognized the need for a wife’s companionship to help him cope with new...

Women and Islam

Women and Islam   Reference library

The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Religion, Social sciences, Regional and Area Studies
8,737 words

...displays of emotion. In Egypt, and probably in other places as well, some Ṣūfīs believe that once they have entered into the spirit, they may transcend the barriers of the flesh; “male” and “female” become meaningless categories. Ṣūfīs in such a state may exercise freedom in interpersonal relations between the sexes, a sanction considered shocking to the society at large. Ṣūfīs are sometimes criticized as immoral for the way in which men and women mingle at their ceremonies, and women sometimes avoid saints’-day celebrations because of the dangers presented to...
