freedom Quick reference
Andrew Reeve
A Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics and International Relations (4 ed.)
...his action is prevented by another person. Hence a person is unfree to p only if he is unable to p because of someone else—a conception which makes freedom depend on ability but only in interpersonal cases. The second major difficulty arises specifically from the comparison of interpersonal and intrapersonal cases. Some, like Steiner, see freedom solely in interpersonal terms. Others, however, have wanted to extend the range of freedom‐reducing impediments or obstacles with which a person may be faced to include those which arise from ‘internal’...
Discussion Networks in Political Decision Making Reference library
Ian Shapiro, Steven Richardson, Scott McClurg, and Anand Sokhey
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Political Decision Making
...behaviors, institutions, and organizations across nations (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. Hogg, M. A. , Terry, D. J. , & White, K. M. (1995). A tale of two theories: A critical comparison of identity theory with social identity theory. Social Psychology Quarterly , 58 (4), 255–269. Hopmann, D. N. (2012). The consequences of political disagreement in interpersonal communication: New insights from a comparative perspective. European Journal of Political Research , 51 (2), 265–287. Huckfeldt, R. R. (1979). Political participation and the neighborhood...
Violence Against and Policing of LGBTQ Communities: A Historical Perspective Reference library
Courtenay W. Daum
The Oxford Encyclopedia of LGBT Politics and Policy
...being raped by an intimate partner in comparison to 9% of heterosexual women, and 40% of bisexual women in comparison to 15% of heterosexual women reported experiencing other forms of sexual violence at the hands of an intimate partner ( Walters et al., 2013 , p. 20). Due to the prevalence of rape culture in the United States and the mythology that “real” rape is perpetrated by strangers and not one’s intimate partner, female victims often fear that they will not be believed if they report incidents of interpersonal and domestic violence including rapes and...
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Political Decision Making Reference library
Ewa A. Golebiowska
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Political Decision Making
...minorities because they hold more flexible gender role beliefs than heterosexual men ( Kite & Whitley, 1998 ). Interpersonal Contact With and Geographic Proximity to Sexual Minorities. In a category of their own are two factors that tap heterosexuals’ exposure to members of sexual and gender identity–based minorities. The first—interpersonal contact with sexual and transgender minorities—taps this exposure at the individual level. Interpersonal contact with LGBT individuals, in keeping with broader and voluminous literature on the link between contact and...
Hate Crimes Against LGBT People in the United States Reference library
Liz Coston
The Oxford Encyclopedia of LGBT Politics and Policy
...States prevalence estimates from a national probability sample. Journal of Interpersonal Violence , 24 (1), 54–74. Huebner, D. M ., Rebchook, G. M. , & Kegeles, S. M. (2004). Experiences of harassment, discrimination, and physical violence among young gay and bisexual men. American Journal of Public Health , 94 (7), 1200. Iganski, P. , & Lagou, S. (2015). Hate crimes hurt some more than others: Implications for the just sentencing of offenders. Journal of Interpersonal Violence , 30 (10), 1696–1718. McDevitt, J. , Levin, J. , & Bennett, S. (2002)...
Social Identity Theory: Status and Identity in International Relations Reference library
Deborah Welch Larson
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Empirical International Relations Theory
...p. 12). Gries ( 2005 ) takes issue with Mercer’s ( 1995 ) argument, using Chinese nationalist writings for illustration. He contends that comparison to other groups does not necessarily damage the group’s identity and self-esteem, promoting competition. Groups may choose other means of achieving a positive identity, such as the introduction of a new value, reevaluation of an existing value dimension, or comparison to a different target group. The identity management strategies of SIT have implications for domestic politics as well because improving a country’s...
Crime Reference library
Oxford Companion to Australian Politics
...strongly with most politicians and the body politic. Overwhelming the response of political parties of all persuasions to Australia's crime problem has been to increase the resources available to the criminal justice system and to legislate new laws and tougher penalties for interpersonal as well as property crimes. Nowhere is this better demonstrated than in the approaches taken by major political parties to terrorism . Almost without dissent from any political party the Howard government brought in the Anti-Terrorism Act 2004 , making it an offence for an...
Psychophysiology in Political Decision-Making Research Reference library
Matthew V. Hibbing, Melissa N. Baker, and Kathryn A. Herzog
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Political Decision Making and times of individuals varying in need for cognition. Psychological Bulletin , 119 , 197–253. Campbell, A. , Converse, P. , Miller, W. , & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter . New York, NY: Wiley. Carlin, R. E. , & Love, G. J. (2013). The politics of interpersonal trust and reciprocity: An experimental approach. Political Behavior , 35 , 43–63. Coe, C. M. , Canelo, K. S. , Vu, K. , Hibbing, M. V. , & Nicholson, S. P. (2017). The physiology of framing effects: Threat sensitivity and the persuasiveness of political arguments. Journal...
Deliberative Democracy and Political Decision Making Reference library
Jon Green, Jonathon Kingzette, and Michael Neblo
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Political Decision Making transposing the latter into a social key—“thinking slow together.” Most people discuss politics from time to time. Such discussion is crucial for fostering interpersonal trust and cultivating social capital ( Putnam, 2001 ), often considered a key component of political participation ( Mutz, 2006 ), and correlates with political knowledge ( Delli Carpini & Keeter, 1996 ). Interpersonal discussion is thus valued as a democratic good by many scholars and is generally encouraged in the broader public. Despite the near-consensus that people should...
The Influence of Psychological Security Maintenance on Political Decision Making Reference library
Joshua Hart
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Political Decision Making
... Weber, C. , & Federico, C. M. (2007). Interpersonal attachment and patterns of ideological belief. Political Psychology , 28 (4), 389–416. Weber, M. (1968). The types of legitimate domination. In G. Roth & C. Wittich (Eds.), Economy and society: An outline of interpretive sociology (pp. 212–301). New York, NY: Bedminster Press. (Original work published 1925) Weise, D. R. , Pyszczynski, T. , Cox, C. R. , Arndt, J. , Greenberg, J. , Solomon, S. , & Kosloff, S. (2008). Interpersonal politics: The role of terror management and...
Attitudes toward LGBT Rights: Political Tolerance and Egalitarian Values in the United States Reference library
Andrew R. Flores
The Oxford Encyclopedia of LGBT Politics and Policy
...that it now reflects a consensus viewpoint among the American public? Garretson ( 2018 ) suggests that a portion of this explanation is rooted in LGBT activism, which motivated LGBT people to come out to others and disclose their LGBT identity. Studies continue to show that interpersonal contact remains a strong predictor of support for LGBT people and rights ( Flores, 2015 ; Lewis, 2011 ; Norton & Herek, 2013 ; Tadlock et al., 2017 ). Brewer ( 2007 ) also suggests that the value frames that dominate discourses can shape the way people evaluate the...
Social Media Lessons on the Nature of Political Decision Making Reference library
Douglas R.Pierce
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Political Decision Making attachment is fundamental to much of behavior. Even prior to Leary and Baumeister’s formulation, theorists had postulated four main social rewards associated with affiliation: the positive affect generated by interpersonal closeness; attention and praise; the reduction of negative affect that comes with social contact; and social comparison ( Hill, 1987 ). Accordingly, the extent to which people expect to maintain and strengthen social ties has been shown to positively correlate with knowledge-sharing behavior ( Lee & Ma, 2012 ), while network size and...
Values and Public Opinion Reference library
Paul Goren
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Political Decision Making respondents give multiple values the same rating. There is also a tendency for different respondents to use different anchoring points, which in turn complicate interpersonal comparisons. Assume that two respondents rate conformity values at the scale midpoint. If respondent A rates all other values below the midpoint and respondent B rates all other values above the scale midpoint, a comparison of their raw conformity scores will be misleading. To measure value priorities accurately, these differences must be eliminated. This is accomplished by subtracting...
Sunk Costs and Political Decision Making Reference library
Charles A. Miller
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Political Decision Making
...marked? Sunk costs effects may also vary cross-nationally for a number of reasons. Poorer countries, for instance, may have stronger norms against “waste,” which may exacerbate sunk costs effects. Individuals who come from cultures with low degrees of interpersonal trust may exhibit a lower degree of interpersonal sunk costs effects—that is, they may care less about sunk costs incurred by others than individuals from high-trust countries do. Similarly, trust in government may condition the extent to which voters feel ownership of costs sunk on their behalf by...
Liberalism Reference library
Oxford Companion to Australian Politics
...had shifted markedly from Deakin's view of the state as the vehicle of social justice to a view that the state was responsible for welfare dependency and lack of economic competitiveness. Liberal ideology was as important as ever—but in forms that rejected both the interpersonal comparisons of utility found in utilitarianism and the concept of the ethical state found in Australia's nation building period. In their most influential manifestations, laissez-faire views on the economy had become strongly allied with conservative positions on social values and...
Media and Politics Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World (2 ed.) air an ad showing aborted fetuses that would not have been permitted to air had it not been considered protected political speech. At one level, the media serve as a go-between, carrying the candidates' arguments to a larger audience than they could reach solely through interpersonal communication. On another, the media act as critical observers, examining politicians' records and proposals, and constructing narratives that help citizens make sense of the political world. In our focus on the second definition of media, we sometimes forget that some of the...
Arrow’s Theorem Reference library
Conal Duddy and Ashley Piggins
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Political Decision Making
...Arrow’s theorem) that are relevant to political scientists. A technical survey of results in social choice theory is Sen ( 1986 ) , and Arrow’s theorem in particular is treated by Campbell and Kelly ( 2002 ) . There is a large literature on social choice with interpersonal comparisons, which has not been touched on here. A good introduction to that literature is Blackorby, Donaldson, and Weymark ( 1984 ) . On interpretations of Arrow’s theorem in political science, Riker ( 1982 ) , Patty and Penn ( 2014 ) , and Miller ( 2019 ) are recommended....
Role Contestation in Making Foreign Policy Decisions: Digraph and Game Theory Models Reference library
Stephen G. Walker
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Foreign Policy Analysis
...Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Backman. C. (1970). Role theory and international relations. International Studies Quarterly, 14 , 310–319. Bales, R. (1950). Interaction process analysis . Cambridge, MA: Addison-Wesley. Bales, R. (1970). Personality and interpersonal behavior . New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. Bonham, G. M. , Shapiro, M. , & Heradsveit, D. (1988). A discursive practices approach to collective decision making. International Studies Quarterly, 32 , 397–419. Brams, S. (1994). Theory of moves . Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge...
The Search for Real-World Media Effects on Political Decision Making Reference library
Thomas J. Leeper
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Political Decision Making
... Feezell ( 2017 ) demonstrates that social media can serve an agenda-setting function but not that they have in any particular instance outside the experimental context. Druckman, Levendusky, and McLain ( 2018 ) show that mediatized messages can further spread through interpersonal discussions but not that they have in any particular instance outside the experimental context. Searles, Fowler, Ridout, Strach, and Zuber ( 2017 ) show that male and female voices can be differentially effective in campaign advertising but not that they are in any...
Suicide Terrorism Theories Reference library
Susanne Martin and Ami Pedahzur
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Empirical International Relations Theory
...Organization, 64 (1), 33–64. Psychiatry; psychology (applied, multidisciplinary, psychoanalysis, social) (combined) 19 Post, J. M., Ali, F., Henderson, S. W., Shanfield, S., Victoroff, J., & Weine, S. (2009). The psychology of suicide terrorism. Psychiatry-Interpersonal and Biological Processes, 72 (1), 13–31. Economics 9 Berman, E., & Laitin, D. D. (2008). Religion, terrorism, and public goods: Testing the club model. Journal of Public Economics, 92 (10–11), 1942–1967. Criminology and penology 7 Agnew, R. (2010). A general strain...