Comparative Case Study Research Reference library
Lesley Bartlett and Frances Vavrus
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods in Education
...integrated schools, high schools, or teachers, respectively), they were not engaged in a replication design. They were able to consider the wide range of factors—social, political, and economic structures; government policies; and interpersonal relationships—that influenced various participants. In addition to the logic of comparison/contrast, there is another logic worth considering that we explain in our recent book ( Bartlett & Vavrus, 2017 ; see also Vavrus & Bartlett, 2009 ). Instead of contrasting, scholars interested in certain structures, policies,...
Taxonomies of Educational Objectives as Bases for Curriculum Planning Reference library
Lorin W. Anderson
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies
...that are not taxonomies. Buhrmeister, Furman, Wittenberg, and Reis ( 1988 ) , for example, identified five dimensions of interpersonal competence: initiating relationships, self-disclosure, asserting displeasure with others’ actions, providing emotional support, and managing interpersonal conflicts. No underlying continuum was specified. Similarly, Klein, DeRouin, and Salas ( 2006 ) suggested two general categories of interpersonal skills: communication and relationship-building. Each general category contains what may be termed subcategories, four within...
Curriculum and Learning Environments Reference library
Barry J. Fraser
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies
...Classroom environment and teacher interpersonal behaviour in secondary science classes in Korea. Evaluation and Research in Education , 14 , 3–22. Koh, N. K. , & Fraser, B. J. (2014). Learning environment associated with use of mixed mode delivery model among secondary business studies students in Singapore. Learning Environments Research , 17 (2), 157–171. Koul, R. B. , & Fisher, D. L. (2005). Cultural background and students’ perceptions of science classroom learning environment and teacher interpersonal behaviour in Jammu, India. Learning...
Gender and Bullying Reference library
Elizabeth J. Meyer
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality in Education
...” within this field of study and the “ Conclusion ” offers recommendations for new directions for future research. Key Concepts The field of bullying research has been foundational in framing other related fields of study about interpersonal violence in schools. Bullying studies have evolved to include many related forms of interpersonal violence that will be addressed here, including bullying, cyberbullying, sexting, harassment, and gendered harassment, which includes sexual harassment, homophobic harassment, harassment for gender nonconformity, and harassment...
Blended Learning in Teacher Education Reference library
Harrison Hao Yang and Jason MacLeod
Oxford Encyclopedia of Global Perspectives on Teacher Education
...Li, 2017 ). Collaborative teaching may involve a wide variety of practices. For instance, a technology-focused option may entail the custom integration of high-quality, digitally archived instructional content into a face-to-face course. 1 In contrast, an option focused on interpersonal collaboration may involve students’ telecollaboration and/or instructors’ co-delivery of instruction through digital processes that connect individuals in different national/linguistic geographies. Such forms of co-teaching are often utilized to address unique and personalized...
Emotion and Teacher Education Reference library
Alberto Bellocchi
Oxford Encyclopedia of Global Perspectives on Teacher Education
...field of education, the preponderance of accounts such as this retired teacher’s weblog are unsurprising. In addition to the implied physical exhaustion at the end of a teaching day comes also the emotional exhaustion from a profession that is unique in its high frequency of interpersonal interaction ( Olson et al., 2019 ; Uitto, Jokikokko, & Estole, 2015 ; Zembylas, 2004 ). Emotional exhaustion experienced by teachers ( Skaalvik & Skaalvik, 2011 ; Uitto et al., 2015 ) is a key facstor associated with burnout and attrition ( Jennings & Greenberg, 2009...
Creativity in Education Reference library
Anne Harris and Leon de Bruin
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies pedagogical instruction, as well as interpersonally enhancing motivation and self-efficacy in engaging in creative behavior. Expert practitioner and educator practices in learning and teaching musical improvisation students have been investigated by de Bruin ( 2016a , b ) . Gandini et al. ( 2005 ) found that regularly scheduled conversation between children and teachers served as a framework to support children’s work. Linking and supporting a sustainable learning culture and community through ongoing interpersonal exchange, de Bruin ( 2018 ) ...
The Role of Mentoring in Teacher Education Reference library
Nicole Hayes and Bruce Pridham
Oxford Encyclopedia of Global Perspectives on Teacher Education
...and appropriation is a function of the mentee. Further to the interaction between the mentee and mentor are the individual and cultural-historical influences that create a unique learning environment ( Hogan & Tudge, 1999 ). This context is developmentally dependent on the interpersonal skills of the participants, their place in time, and the functions of the learning interaction. Theories of Development. Levinson’s ( 1978 ) Life-stage theory is a highly regarded developmental theory that is fundamental to mentoring frameworks. Based on the work of Freud and...
Meta-ethnography in Education Reference library
George W. Noblit
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods in Education
...of teachers’ work in Latin America and the United States in a set of three comparisons, each of a pair of studies, eschewing an exhaustive list of studies in favor of preserving a strong focus on context. The three comparisons concerned knowledge for teaching, teachers’ work and the state, and becoming a teacher. These yielded, respectively, a reciprocal synthesis, a refutational synthesis, and a line of argument synthesis. Working across the three sets of comparisons, a “larger line of argument” (p. 141) about globalization and national context was...
Teaching Self-Efficacy Reference library
David Morris
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies
...the sources have often been written in ways that are limited or inconsistent with social cognitive theory. For example, some scholars have assessed social persuasions in terms of interpersonal support (e.g., Capa Aydin & Woolfolk Hoy, 2005 ; Woolfolk Hoy & Burke-Spero, 2005 ). Another common mistake is to measure vicarious experiences in terms of referential comparisons with others, which Bandura ( 1986 ) argued were based on multiple sources of information (e.g., O’Neill & Stephenson, 2012 ; Poulou, 2007 ). Although research on the sources has...
Teacher Identity Research and Development Reference library
Lourdes Villardón-Gallego and Zoe Martínez-de-la-Hidalga
Oxford Encyclopedia of Global Perspectives on Teacher Education
... 2004 ). Additionally, the role of teaching has been complemented by with roles related to guiding, supporting, and valuing education. The performance of these roles requires training that does not focus exclusively on teaching skills but rather includes the development of interpersonal and communicative competencies. Moreover, the addition of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching necessitates specific refresher courses ( Tejedor & García-Valcárcel, 2006 ). It is certain that both the knowledge of teachers’ duties and the development of...
Reciprocal Learning as a Comparative Education Model and as an Exemplar of Schwab’s The Practical in Curriculum Inquiry Reference library
Michael Connelly and Shijing Xu
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies
...points, methods, theoretical frames, and outcomes. Schwab used the letter E to spell enquiry rather than the letter I to spell inquiry because he wanted to distinguish knowledge as a psychological phenomenon from knowledge as an epistemological enquiry-based phenomenon. In interpersonal terms, he was distinguishing his notion of enquiry from that of Jerome Bruner, a well-known psychologist. Roughly at the same time Bruner was a key figure in a well-known curriculum development initiative, Man: A Course of Study , while Schwab was a key figure in the United...
Gender Subjectification and Schooling Reference library
Leslee Grey
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality in Education
...acknowledges that gender and other social categories, which are sometimes referred to as “identities,” are constantly being constructed and reconstructed through discourse. In schools, subjectivities are constituted and reproduced within discourses on the curricular, interpersonal, and institutional levels, which intersect with larger societal structures and forces. Similarly, subjectification refers to the process or processes by which a person becomes a subject within a particular discursive context. As a social process, subjectification involves...
Youth- and Peer-Led Sex Education Reference library
Alanna Goldstein
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality in Education
...A. L. , Fisher, B. S. , Bush, H. M. , Swan, S. C. , Williams, C. M. , Clear, E. R. , & DeGue, S. (2014). Evaluation of the green dot bystander intervention to reduce interpersonal violence among college students across three campuses. Violence Against Women , 21 (12), 1507–1527. Cornish, F. , & Campbell, C. (2009). The social conditions for successful peer education: A comparison of two HIV prevention programs run by sex workers in India and South Africa. American Journal of Community Psychology , 44 , 123–135. Crooks, C. V. , Jaffe, P. , Dunlop,...
Learner Engagement in Teacher Education Reference library
Kay K. Seo and Scott Gibbons
Oxford Encyclopedia of Global Perspectives on Teacher Education
...function during teacher preparation. Teaching and Teacher Education , 63 , 168–175. Dangel, J. (2011). An analysis of research on constructivist teacher education. In Education , 17 (2), 87–113. Davis, H. A. , Summers, J. J. , & Miller, L. M. , (2012). An interpersonal approach to classroom management: Strategies for improving student engagement . Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press/A Joint Publication. de Hei, M. , Tabacaru, C. , Sjoer, E. , Rippe, R. , & Walenkamp, J. (2019). Developing intercultural competence through collaborative learning...
Real-Time Coaching for Pre-Service Teachers Reference library
Erica Sharplin, Garth Stahl, and Ben Kehrwald
Oxford Encyclopedia of Global Perspectives on Teacher Education
...pre-service teachers were enrolled in a physical education course through which they were exposed to training in the principles of sequential behavior analysis. While differences exist across the models, training is nearly always conducted face to face, indicating that the interpersonal dynamic is still considered essential. While written feedback is an explicit aspect of most coaching models, there is a shift in contemporary coaching practice toward more direct, visually based modes of feedback. For example, Kennedy and Lees ( 2016 ) use videotaped lessons...
Online Education and Women’s Empowerment Reference library
Tabassum Amina
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality in Education
...change women’s future and be a major factor in empowering them. However, online activities can also hinder learning and create complex problems. The impersonal format of most online learning platforms can make learners feel isolated, lonely, and invisible. Lack of direct interpersonal communication and lapses in feedback can lead to a decline in interest and active participation in online learning spaces. Online courses are often not created with consideration of the diverse student population that will access it globally. Online learners come with...
Globalization, Digital Technology, and Teacher Education in the United States Reference library
Jared Keengwe
Oxford Encyclopedia of Global Perspectives on Teacher Education
...asset in all the processes of teaching and learning. Global Competencies and Citizenship Cultural competence is defined as the ability to successfully approach and educate students who come from diverse backgrounds, and it is associated with the development of personal and interpersonal awareness and sensitivity, knowledge of sociocultural appreciation, and skills that underline intercultural teaching and learning ( Moule, 2011 ). To enhance quality teaching in diverse learning environments, teacher candidates need to possess cultural competence and strong...
Theories of International Development, Gender, and Education Reference library
Xiuying Cai
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality in Education has an empowering and distributive role in facilitating the ability of the disadvantaged, marginalized, and excluded to organize politically. It has redistributive effects between social groups, households, and within families. Overall, education contributes to interpersonal effects where people are able to use the benefits of education to help others and hence contribute to the social good and democratic freedoms. (p. 8) It is important to note that while human capital theory is not adequate on its own, the capabilities approach does not...
Gender in Prison-Based Education Reference library
Allyson Dean
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality in Education men’s institutions and women’s institutions. The author recognizes that this presents a problematic task of capturing the experiences of all those incarcerated, particularly trans and gender-fluid inmates, who are subjected to not only state violence but also increased interpersonal violence in prison ( Oberholtzer, 2017 ). The use of binary gender terms such as men and women follows reports (e.g., Sawyer, 2018 ), histories (e.g., Jones, 2015 ), and scholarship (e.g., Butler, 1997 ) on offerings for prison education based on this faulty division...