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interpersonal comparisons

Comparing the welfare of one individual with that of another. The welfare level of an individual is measured by a utility function. Utility can be ordinal so that it is no more than a ...

Fan Loyalty

Fan Loyalty   Reference library

Jeffrey D. JAMES

Berkshire Encyclopedia of World Sport (3 ed.)

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Current Version:
Social sciences, Society and culture
1,926 words

...of loyal fans from an individual (psychological) level seem to focus on four points: (1) fans are lazy; (2) fans are aggressive; (3) fans adopt negative values (e.g., violence is okay) and maladaptive behaviors (e.g., alcohol and tobacco consumption); and (4) fans have poor interpersonal relationships. In response to the criticisms, the sports psychologist Daniel L. Wann and colleagues reviewed a number of different writings and research studies. They concluded that the criticisms of loyal fans can be supported anecdotally. Some loyal fans do consume large...


Ukraine   Reference library

Tamara V. Hovorun, Borys M. Vornyk, T. V. Hovorun, and B. M. Vornyk

Contiuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality

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Current Version:
Social sciences, Society and culture
21,584 words

...in advertising and the mass media perpetuate the distances between men and women as social beings and between sex and the family. Ethnicity, culture, national customs, and traditions help create models of gender behavior, develop respect for values, and develop some interpersonal skills. Sexual competence involves many personality qualities and activities that should be taught to children as they develop. Family-oriented customs and traditions that help gender-socialization processes, such as marriage, housekeeping, and parenthood, have almost been...


Switzerland   Reference library

Johannes Bitzer, Judith Adler, Udo Rauschfleisch, Sibil Tschudin, Elizabeth Zemp, and Ulrike Kosta

Contiuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality

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Current Version:
Social sciences, Society and culture
14,174 words

...are another form of interpersonal sexual behavior. Again, on one hand, the main drive is curiosity about differences in anatomy and not sexual excitement. On the other hand, this is a way to be pleasantly touched and tickled by children of the same age, on “neutral” parts of the body as well as the genitals. Caregivers' reactions, again, are of importance for the development of subsequent behavior. B. Adolescents In 2003 , about three quarters of 14-year-old girls had had some kind of interpersonal sexual contact. In boys, interpersonal sexual behavior starts...

Hong Kong

Hong Kong   Reference library

Emil Man-lun Ng, Joyce L. C. Ma, M. P. Lau, and Robert T. Francoeur

Contiuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Society and culture
14,664 words

...of Family Violence , 9(4):347–356. Tang, C. S. K. , M. S. M. Yik , F. M. C. Cheung , P. K. Choi , & K. C. Au . 1995. How do Chinese college students define sexual harassment? Journal of Interpersonal Violence , 10(4):503–515. Tang, C. S. K. 1997. Psychological impact of wife abuse—Experiences of Chinese women and their children . Journal of Interpersonal Violence , 12(3):466–478. Tang, C. S. K. , & C. Davis . 1996. Child abuse in Hong Kong revisited after 15 years: Characteristics of victims and abusers . Child Abuse and Neglect ,...


Greece   Reference library

Dimosthenis Agrafiotis, Elli Ioannidi, and Panagiota Mandi

Contiuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality

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Current Version:
Social sciences, Society and culture
10,234 words

...follow at a slow pace the Western European model ( Maratou-Alibranti 1999 ). The “modernizing” trend in Greek society concerns the necessity for greater equality and a decline in patriarchy, where structural links increasingly give way to the negotiation of individualized interpersonal relationships. This may also be perceived as part of the individualizing process. The achievements of ancient Greece in art, architecture, science, mathematics, drama, literature, philosophy, and democracy are acknowledged by all as the foundation of Western Civilization....


Nigeria   Reference library

Uwem Edimo Esiet, Christine Olunfinke Adebajo, Mairo Victoria Bello, Rakiya Booth, Imo I. Esiet, Nike Esiet, Foyin Oyebola, Bilkisu Yusuf, and Beldina Opiyo-Omolo

Contiuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality

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Current Version:
Social sciences, Society and culture
30,835 words

...marriage. Generally, the duration of most courtships is relatively short, and the courtship is kept secret from the parents, so there is no parental guidance. (See Section 5A/B, Interpersonal Heterosexual Behaviors, Children and Adolescents, above, for additional details on dating, courtship, and engagement.) Conception, Pregnancy, and Sexual Intercourse: A Regional/Ethnic Comparison The following summaries of the attitudes and practices regarding conception, pregnancy, and sexual intercourse of several ethnic groups in eight geographical regions of Nigeria...


Spain   Reference library

Jose Antonio Nieto, Jose Antonio Carrobles, Manuel Delgado Ruiz, Felix Lopez Sanchez, Virginia Maquieira D'Angelo, Josep-Vicent Marques, Bernardo Moreno Jimenez, Raquel Osborne Verdugo, Carmela Sanz Rueda, Carmelo Vazquez Valverde, Laura Berman, Jose Nanin, Laura Berman, and Jose Nanin

Contiuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Society and culture
12,108 words

...see Section 5A/B, Children and Adolescents, above. In comparison to other European countries, the occurrence of cohabitation is low. Two percent of Spaniards are involved in a relationship in which time and space is shared but a marriage contract does not exist. On the whole, consensual unions of couples living together form an experimental and symbolic framework that breaks traditional boundaries of the Spanish family structure and forces the creation of different rules for cohabitation and interpersonal relationships. Marriage and the Family The age at which...


Canada   Reference library

Michael Barrett, Alan King, Joseph Lévy, Eleanor Maticka-Tyndale, Alexander McKay, and Julie Fraser

Contiuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality

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Current Version:
Social sciences, Society and culture
62,400 words

...of men and women). However, if one considers both the observed differences in some aspects of self-concept, self-esteem, and relationship values and the findings from research on the situational, personal, and interpersonal factors influencing male/female sexual conduct, it is clear that certain gender differences still prevail. With respect to comparisons between ethnocultural groups, research demonstrates both differences and similarities within and between Canada's ethnic groups. These observations reinforce our introductory contention that generalizing one...


Bulgaria   Reference library

Michail Alexandrov Okoliyski

Contiuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Society and culture
10,845 words

...males. In married couples, male as well as female masturbation is perceived as some kind of deviation rater than a sign of the couple's malfunctioning (Archives of Human Sexuality Research Foundation ( H.S.R.F. ) unpublished data). ( End of comment by P. Velichkov )] 5. Interpersonal Heterosexual Behaviors A. Children [ Comment 2003 : Very little is known about children's sexuality in Bulgaria, and no research has been carried out on this topic. [ End of comment by P. Velichkov )] B. Adolescents Petko Velichkov Some ethnic differences have been perceived...


China   Reference library

Fang-fu Ruan, M. P. Lau, F. Ruan, Robert T. Francoeur, and M. P. Lau

Contiuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Society and culture
31,368 words

...couples said that they engaged in self-pleasuring. ( See also Part 2, the 1992 Survey of Sexual Behavior in Modern China , Sections B, Adolescent Sexuality, C, College Students, and D, Married Couples, for data on masturbation in the nationwide survey by Dalin Liu .) 5. Interpersonal Heterosexual Behaviors A/B. Children/Adolescents Because of the pervasive social pressures, reinforced by some messages given by some medical practitioners and the lack of sexual education, sexual expression other than heterosexual marital sex, (including sexual play and sex...


Iceland   Reference library

Sóley S. Bender, Sigrún Júliíusdóttir, Thorvaldur Kristinsson, Haraldur Briem, and Gudrún Jónsdóttir

Contiuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality

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Current Version:
Social sciences, Society and culture
13,164 words

...of the Icelandic welfare state. A Scandinavian comparison . Reykjavík: Félagsvísindastofnun (The Institute of Social Sciences). See also : Variations within the Scandinavian model. Iceland in a comparative perspective. In: E. J. Hansen , H. Uusitalo , & R. Erikson , eds., Welfare trends in Scandinavia . New York: M.A. Sharpe. Olafsson, S. 1990. Lífskjör og lífshœttir á Norurlöndum. Samanburur á jófélagi Íslendinga, Dana, Finna, Normanna og Svía [ Living conditions in the Nordic countries. Comparison between Iceland, Denmark, Finland, Norway, and...

South Africa

South Africa   Reference library

Lionel John Nicholas, Priscilla Sandra Daniels, Mervyn Bernard Hurwitz, and L. J. Nicholas

Contiuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality

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Current Version:
Social sciences, Society and culture
23,877 words

...have these consequences. Fourteen percent of respondents believed that sexually fulfilled, mature adults do not masturbate, while 54.5% indicated “don't know.” Similarly, 16.5% believed that most adults do not masturbate, and 58% indicated they did not know on this point. 5. Interpersonal Heterosexual Behaviors A/B. Children and Adolescents A 1995 survey of South African teenagers by a national newspaper revealed the following. Of respondents whose average age was 16 years, • 41% considered sex before marriage as unacceptable, • 54% accepted it only with...


Australia   Reference library

Rosemary Coates, R. Coates, Anthony Willmett, Rosemary Coates, and Anthony Willmett

Contiuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality

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Current Version:
Social sciences, Society and culture
15,616 words

...toward most aspects of sexual behavior. Self-pleasuring as a topic of conversation has, to a certain extent, lost its taboo status. Likewise, the use of pornographic material as a stimulus, either alone or with a partner, is a subject of discussion for some young people. 5. Interpersonal Heterosexual Behaviors A. Children There is little information available about types of sexual behavior and whether patterns of sexual experimentation have changed. However, anecdotal reporting indicates that Australian children are no different from children in other...


Cuba   Reference library

Mariela Castro Espín, María Dolores Córdova Llorca, Alicia Gónzalez Hernández, Beatriz Castellanos Simons, Natividad Guerrero Borrego, Gloria Ma. A. Torres Cueto, Eddy Abreu Guerra, Beatriz Torres Rodríguez, Caridad T. García Álvarez, Ada Alfonso Rodríguez, Maricel Rebollar Sánchez, Oscar Díaz Noriega, Jorge Renato Ibarra Guitart, Sonia Jiménez Berrios, Daimelis Monzón Wat, Jorge Peláez Mendoza, Mayra Rodríguez Lauzerique, Ofelia Bravo Fernández, Lauren Bardisa Escurra, Miguel Sosa Marín, Rosaida Ochoa Soto, and Leonardo Chacón Asusta

Contiuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Society and culture
20,943 words

...Institute in 1971 , there were methodological guidelines for teachers for not repressing genital manipulation and/or masturbatory behaviors, as well as sexual games by the children. It is recommended to try to attract their attention to other interesting activities (45). 5. Interpersonal Heterosexual Behaviors A. Children Mariela Castro Espín In several local surveys conducted in two provinces, it was reported that the majority of boys and girls aged 2 to 6 (9.71%) do not know how to explain their gender identity. When interviews were carried out with sexed...

Czech Republic

Czech Republic   Reference library

Jaroslav Zvěřina

Contiuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality

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Current Version:
Social sciences, Society and culture
8,623 words

..., 84% of men and 58% of women reported masturbating sometime in their lives, with the average age of first masturbation being 14 years for men and 17 years for women. Only 5% of men and 10% of women said that masturbation poses some health risk (Weiss & Zvěřina 2001 ). 5. Interpersonal Heterosexual Behaviors A. Children The sexual games of children are usually played in secret and ignored by parents if discovered. They are not the objects of particular sanctions in most Czech families. B. Adolescents Puberty Rituals There are no special or institutionalized...


Estonia   Reference library

Elina Haavio-Mannila, Kai Haldre, and Osmo Kontula

Contiuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Society and culture
25,080 words

...had improved a lot at the end of the 1990s thanks, to NGOs and the empowerment of schoolteachers, the Internet, youth and women's magazines, and many other sources. These rapid recent developments are not yet reflected in statistics or research data. (See Section 5B, Interpersonal Heterosexual Behaviors, Adolescents, for survey data on sexual education and knowledge.) 4. Autoerotic Behaviors and Patterns Elina Haavio-Mannila Children, Adolescents, and Adults Masturbation is a common harmless practice. Nowadays, men and women with sexual problems are...

Netherlands and the Autonomous Dutch Antilles

Netherlands and the Autonomous Dutch Antilles   Reference library

Jelto J. Drenth and A. Koos Slob

Contiuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Society and culture
26,407 words

...49 13 ( n = 982; steady relationships, 75%; casual relationships, 13%; no sexual contact in past year, 12%). Source : Sandfort & van Zessen ( 1991 , 129, Table 4.6). Editors' Note : Percentages are approximations from the original line graph ( IES2 Fig. 4, p. 908). 5. Interpersonal Heterosexual Behaviors A. Children In the Parents Today study (Section 4A, Autoerotic Behaviors and Patterns, Children and Adolescents), many questions referred to childhood sexual behavior. Table 6 gives a selection of the data. In this study, Dutch parents reported...


Israel   Reference library

Ronny A. Shtarkshall, Minah Zemach, R. A. Shtarkshall, and M. Zemach

Contiuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Society and culture
42,007 words

...ongoing worry about the danger to the life of the father, but also with stories that include macho and aggressive overtones. The exemption of women from reserve service on their first pregnancy, understandable as it is, only stresses the role division (see also Section 5C, Interpersonal Heterosexual Behaviors, Young Adults). B. Sociolegal Status of Males and Females Children Legally, the rights of male and female children are fully equal. They inherit equally, are viewed with no distinction in terms of rights for protection by state authorities, and have the...


Colombia   Reference library

José Manuel Gonzáles, Rubén Ardila, Pedro Guerrero, Gloria Penagos, Bernardo Useche, Claudia Rockmaker, and Luciane Raibin

Contiuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Society and culture
17,370 words

...dimension of humanity, which is ever-present in the lives of all men and women. 3. It is suggested that sexual education be integrated into the curriculum from a science and humanities context. This would then serve as an introduction to self-esteem, independence, interpersonal relationships, and health. 4. Sexual education is thought to be the responsibility of the educational community, including all educational institutes in both the public and private sectors, teachers and administrative staff, and parents and students. 5. The family is...


Brazil   Reference library

Sérgio Luiz Gonçalves de Freitas, Elí Fernandes de Oliveira, Lourenço Stélio Rega, Raymond J. Noonan, Dra. Sandra Almeida, and Luciane Raibin

Contiuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Social sciences, Society and culture
17,869 words

... dar (to give) describes those who passively offer themselves to be penetrated and possessed by their active partners. In some respects, these role distinctions are more fundamental than is sexual anatomy. For details on the implications of these premises, see Sections 5, Interpersonal Heterosexual Behaviors, and 6, Homoerotic, Homosexual, and Bisexual Behaviors, below. ( End of comment by R. T. Francoeur )] [ Update 1997 : In 1986 , the Delegacia da Mulher, The Women's Advocacy group, was formed to protect women against sexual and physical violence. All...
