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interpersonal comparisons

Comparing the welfare of one individual with that of another. The welfare level of an individual is measured by a utility function. Utility can be ordinal so that it is no more than a ...

Methodologies In the Study of Dance

Methodologies In the Study of Dance   Reference library

The International Encyclopedia of Dance

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Performing arts, Dance, Music
17,233 words

...“acts and system,” structural linguistics and Chomskyan transformational and generative linguistics. These methods and the ideas on which they are based are quite distinct from Ray Birdwhistell 's kinesics, which studies “body motion as related to the nonverbal aspects of interpersonal communication,” and Edward T. Hall's proxemics, which deals with spatial relationships between people. To understand the usefulness of employing linguistic analogies in the study of dance, one should have familiarity with the linguistic methodologies from which the analogies...

Social Dance

Social Dance   Reference library

The International Encyclopedia of Dance

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Performing arts, Dance, Music
12,899 words

...assert their visibility and power against the threat of machines and factories, clock time and workday schedules, and bureaucratic power structures and loss of autonomy. Associated with this tumultuous period were changes in cultural values that affected expressive forms of interpersonal communication and social rituals reflecting deep social and family relationships. Among the changes in expressive forms were those in dancing. Dance theorists like Jean-Georges Noverre ( 1727–1807 ) and later Carlo Blasis ( 1803–1878 ) had already drawn attention to the...
