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historical determinism

1. A belief that historical processes have a certain inevitability, based on some fundamental factor. Its application ranges from a pessimistic fatalism which denies human ...



The doctrine that every event has a cause. The usual explanation of this is that for every event, there is some antecedent state, related in such a way that it would break a law of nature for this ...


[Th]A general and increasingly ambiguous term meaning a number of different things to different people. At its heart, however, is the idea that a society and its culture exist mainly in their dynamic ...
elective affinity

elective affinity   Quick reference

A Dictionary of Sports Studies

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Social sciences, Society and culture
719 words

...This is how Weber framed his analysis of the complementary systems of capitalism (an economic system) and Protestantism (a religious belief-system). Weber's studies were to some degree framed as a methodological and epistemological debate with what he saw as a form of economic determinism in the work of Karl Marx . An elective affinity could be identified, Weber proposed, between, say, a set of religious beliefs and a particular social group or system (Weber, 1948 : 62–3), so identifying a correspondence between sources of meaning that may not initially seem...


France   Reference library

Michel Meignant, Pierre Dalens, Charles Gellman, Robert Gellman, Claire Gellman-Barroux, Serge Ginger, Laurent Malterre, France Paramelle, Genevieve Parent, Robert T. Francoeur, and Timothy Perper

Contiuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality

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Social sciences, Society and culture
19,994 words

...importance of the early relational programming. The initial marking is biologically understood as the cerebral sex, inducted by cerebral sexual hormones and cerebral chemical mediators in the first weeks of the fetal life, combined with maternal stimuli. This neurobiological determinism can be reinforced later on a psychosociological level through the notions of gender identity and role identity. The notion of archaic psychological inscription refers to the individual mark in the couple as a mutual modeling of two identical marks. Partners are brought together...

Marxism, Economic Theory, and Asian American Literary Studies

Marxism, Economic Theory, and Asian American Literary Studies   Reference library

Mark Chiang

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Asian American Literature and Culture

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...simply recapitulate older Marxist dismissals of race and gender, however, but also responds implicitly to a history of debates over economic determinism and historical materialism, debates that involve an entire range of issues concerning ideology, cultural production, the class struggle, and the proletariat as the agent of the historical transition from capitalism to socialism. The movement away from economic determinism meant that the reassuring materialist story of the inevitable stages of economic development could no longer be assumed, resulting in a...

Urban Farming

Urban Farming   Reference library

Judith Hausman

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America (2 ed.)

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...turn of the century, an outgrowth of the middle and upper classes’ concern for the living conditions of the poor, was meant to deal with the rising issues of sanitation, crime, and overpopulation in the cities. Affluent reformers were guided by the doctrine of environmental determinism, which held that uplifting and beautiful surroundings could improve people's behavior. An opportunity to create and appreciate beauty could foster good citizenship and self-respect and promote assimilation. The Vacant Lot Cultivation Association, formed initially in New York...

The Posthuman Subject in/of Asian American Literature

The Posthuman Subject in/of Asian American Literature   Reference library

Michelle N. Huang

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Asian American Literature and Culture

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...acutely sensitive to moments of forced laughter and emotional manipulation within the text and harboring a disquieting fear that there may be no way out of the feedback loop of human existence. Yet it would be a mistake to read Liu’s short story as a fatalist parable of social determinism; rather, “The Algorithms for Love” ultimately suggests nothing is more predictable than human unpredictability. Understanding that the mechanisms of racial identification change based on the “technological fad of the moment” reveals that there is no singular or stable...

(The) Transpacific Turns

(The) Transpacific Turns   Reference library

Tina Chen

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Asian American Literature and Culture

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...rooted, and capacious ways of knowing and being. Conceptualizing Oceania in contradistinction to the Pacific Islands, Hau´ofa writes that “[t]he world of Oceania is not small; it is huge and growing bigger every day.” 42 That bigness recalibrates the continentalism, economic determinism, and macropolitical perspective of Pacific colonialism and imperialism by remembering the scope, scale, challenge, and potential of the ocean itself. The “world enlargement” integral to Hau´ofa’s vision derives from the “gulf of difference between viewing the Pacific as...

Asian North American Adoption Narratives

Asian North American Adoption Narratives   Reference library

Jenny Heijun Wills

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Asian American Literature and Culture

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...to find first families or even just Korean history are ambitious since “in fact there may be no one searching / for you. There may be someone missing you or trying not to miss you. / There may be someone who hides from you.” 25 As much as Herrick’s poetic narrators reject the determinism of Korean adoptee assimilation, they also reference biological essentialism in other moments. In “Spectral Questions of the Body,” the speaker highlights the importance of the body as inextricably tied to race and nation. The speaker completely imagines the corporeality of the...
