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historical determinism

1. A belief that historical processes have a certain inevitability, based on some fundamental factor. Its application ranges from a pessimistic fatalism which denies human ...


JETZTZEIT (GERMAN)   Reference library

Jeanne-Marie Gagnebin

Dictionary of Untranslatables: A Philosophical Lexicon

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Philosophy, Literature, Literary reference works
1,317 words

...moment” in midflight, that it is comparable to a messianic redemption that no theology of history or any ideology of progress could guarantee. No temporal determinism can guarantee when Jetztzeit will come to pass either. One of the most difficult aspects of this concept is that it emphasizes the subjective dimension of choice and decision, the dimension precisely of being subjects of historical action, and at the same time it cannot be based on any arbitrary resolution because of the risk of thereby losing its radiant effectiveness. It also necessarily...


MACHT (GERMAN)   Reference library

Marc de Launay

Dictionary of Untranslatables: A Philosophical Lexicon

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Philosophy, Literature, Literary reference works
5,074 words

...in other words, that nothing more powerful than p forces q (Ibid.). Thus Badiou can write the following, implicitly aligning force and forçage : “Between formal implication and forcing there lies all the ambivalence that the dialectic introduces in the old problem of determinism. The subject’s surrection is the effect of force within the place. This does not mean that the place implies it” (Ibid.). In L’être et l’événement , by contrast, the critique of political ontology leads to a rejection of the language of force, even as forçage becomes an...


WILL   Reference library

Claude Romano

Dictionary of Untranslatables: A Philosophical Lexicon

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Philosophy, Literature, Literary reference works
5,111 words

...Augustine, Saint . Confessions . Translated by F. J. Sheed . Indianapolis, In: Hackett, 1993. Augustine, Saint . On the Trinity . Books 8–15. Edited by Gareth B. Matthews , translated by Stephen McKenna . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Bobzien, Susanne . Determinism and Freedom in Stoic Philosophy . Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998. Burns, J. Patout . The Development of Augustine’s Doctrine of Operative Grace . Paris: Études augustiniennes, 1980. Epictetus . Discourses . Translated by George Long . London: George Bell and Sons, 1888....


PRAXIS (GREEK)   Reference library

Étienne Balibar, Barbara Cassin, and Sandra Laugier

Dictionary of Untranslatables: A Philosophical Lexicon

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Philosophy, Literature, Literary reference works
13,389 words

...other, non-Marxist philosophies [ Martin Heidegger] ). Analogous to Gramsci’s later elaboration, though pursuing quite different directions, Lukács’s early work attests to the resurgence of an antinaturalist point of view (opposed to the interpretation of historical materialism as economic determinism) in Marxism, contemporary with the crisis of imperialism (the First World War), Soviet-style or “councilist” revolutions (not only in Russia, but also in Germany, Hungary, and Italy), and the quest for new forms of alliance between intellectuals and the...


ELEUTHERIA (GREEK)   Reference library

Claude Romano

Dictionary of Untranslatables: A Philosophical Lexicon

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Philosophy, Literature, Literary reference works
8,145 words

...as a man (cf. Laws , 1.635d: the goal is to raise, by education, brave and free men, that is, complete men), just as a plant comes to its full flourishing in a flower. By this standard, eleutheria is not contrary to phusis the way modern liberty is contrary to natural determinism, but rather leads back to it. Indeed, if, as Aristotle maintains, “For what each thing is when fully developed, we call its nature [ phusis ]” ( Politics , 1.2.1252b32–33), then eleutheria completes phusis . This is shown, for example, in the passages Aristotle devotes to...


MORALS   Reference library

Barbara Cassin, Marc Crépon, and François Prost

Dictionary of Untranslatables: A Philosophical Lexicon

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Philosophy, Literature, Literary reference works
9,347 words

...within the system (Marc de Launay). Bibliography Cohen, Hermann . Ethik der reinen Willens . Berlin: Bruno Cassirer, 1904. Barbara Cassin Marc Crépon François Prost Bibliography Aristotle . Organon . Translated by J. Tricot . 6 vols. Paris: Vrin, 1970. Bobzien, Susanne . Determinism and Freedom in Stoic Philosophy . Oxford: Clarendon, 1998. Cohen, Hermann . Ethik des reinen Willens . Introduction by Steven S. Schwarzschild . 5th ed. In Werke , vol. 7. Hildesheim, Ger.: Olms, 1981. Ferrary, Jean-Louis . “Le discours de Philus (Cicéron, De republica ...


ART   Reference library

Dominique Chateau

Dictionary of Untranslatables: A Philosophical Lexicon

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Philosophy, Literature, Literary reference works
6,863 words

...Cambridge Platonists of the second half of the seventeenth century, designated both the unconscious vegetative state of the growth of beings (a tree or a fetus) and a human power that was free, internal, and conscious, and reflected the principle of nature while transcending determinism. In his Advice to an Author ( 1710 ; RT: Characteristicks of Men , 1:207), Shaftesbury compares the poet and his ability to shape a unitary, organic work to Prometheus, “that sovereign artist, or Universal Plastic Nature.” In his Plastics or the Original Progress and Power...
