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courtesy Books

Subject: Literature

A book that gives advice to aspiring young courtiers in etiquette and other aspects of behaviour expected at royal or noble courts. This kind of work—sometimes written in verse—first ...


Lobbying   Reference library

Sunny Harris Rome and Sabrina Gillan Kiser

Encyclopedia of Macro Social Work

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:

...who sit on committees or subcommittees to which a bill has been referred, members who have shown an interest in the issue, those whose constituents would be particularly impacted, and legislators who are social workers. Introducing oneself before making any specific requests (a “courtesy visit”) is an important step that can set the stage for longer-term relationship building. In-person or video call appointments should be scheduled through the legislator’s office in advance. To prepare for the visit, it is helpful to learn as much as possible about the...
