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Subject: Religion

The theory or belief that God does not exist. The word comes (in the late 16th century, via French) from Greek atheos, from a- ‘without’ + theos ‘god’.


atheism n.   Quick reference

A Dictionary of Psychology (4 ed.)

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... n. Rejection of belief in God. atheist n. One who rejects belief in God. Compare agnosticism , deism , pantheism , theism . atheistic or atheistical adj. [From Greek a - without + theos a god + - ismos indicating a state or...


deism n.   Quick reference

A Dictionary of Psychology (4 ed.)

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... n. Belief in a god who created the universe but does not govern worldly events, does not answer prayers, and has no direct involvement in human affairs. deist n. One who espouses deism. Compare agnosticism , atheism , pantheism , theism . deistic or deistical adj. [From Latin deus a god + Greek -ismos indicating a state or...


pantheism n.   Quick reference

A Dictionary of Psychology (4 ed.)

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... n . Belief in nature, the universe, or the order and lawfulness of everything that happens as representations (usually metaphorical) of God. Compare agnosticism , atheism , deism , theism . pantheist n . One who espouses pantheism. pantheistic or pantheistical adj . [From Greek pan all + theos a god + - ismos indicating a state or...


theism n.   Quick reference

A Dictionary of Psychology (4 ed.)

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... n . Belief in a god who created the universe and continues to govern everything that happens, in most theistic belief systems answering prayers and being directly involved with human affairs. Compare agnosticism , atheism , deism , pantheism . theist n . One who espouses theism. theistic or theistical adj . [From Greek theos a god + -ismos indicating a state or...


agnosticism n.   Quick reference

A Dictionary of Psychology (4 ed.)

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... n. A belief that nothing is or can be known about God. More loosely, a belief that the existence of God cannot be known with certainty, but this sense is avoided in careful usage. agnostic adj. n. (Of or pertaining to) one who espouses agnosticism. Compare atheism , deism , pantheism , theism . [Coined in 1869 by the English biologist Thomas Henry Huxley ( 1825–95 ), from Greek a - without + gnostos known + - ismos indicating a state or...

Religion And Science

Religion And Science   Reference library

Ronald L. Numbers

The Oxford Encyclopedia of the History of American Science, Medicine, and Technology

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...pirated. “The Vestiges has been all the rage for a time,” exclaimed a Princeton student in 1847 . Although Chambers denied dispensing with the Creator, critics thought otherwise. The teaching of Vestiges , fumed one American critic, is nothing but “atheism—blank atheism, cold, cheerless, heartless, atheism,” an outburst that led one reader to complain that “a more rabid tirade can scarcely be found this side of the Middle Ages, & the smell of roast heretic is truly overpowering throughout.” More than any other work antedating Darwin’s Origin of Species,...


Creationism   Reference library

Ronald L. Numbers

The Oxford Encyclopedia of the History of American Science, Medicine, and Technology

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...through the mollusk, the lobster, the bird, the quadruped, and the monkey.” Even more pointed was Charles Hodge ( 1797–1878 ), the leading Calvinist theologian in America, who devoted a small book to answering the question What Is Darwinism? ( 1874 ). The answer: “It is Atheism.” The issue of human evolution understandably provoked the greatest outrage. One conservative Protestant, H. L. Hastings, wrote a tract called Was Moses Mistaken? or, Creation and Evolution ( 1896 ), in which he addressed this “delicate” topic: I do not wish to meddle with any...
