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Subject: Religion

The theory or belief that God does not exist. The word comes (in the late 16th century, via French) from Greek atheos, from a- ‘without’ + theos ‘god’.

Bentley, Richard

Bentley, Richard (1662–1742)   Quick reference

A Dictionary of Writers and their Works (3 ed.)

...Richard ( 1662–1742 ) English classical scholar A Confutation of Atheism from the Structure and Origin of Humane Bodies ( 1692 ) Non-Fiction A Confutation of Atheism from the Origin and Frame of the World ( 1692 ) Non-Fiction The Folly of Atheism ( 1692 ) Non-Fiction Matter and Motion Cannot Think ( 1692 ) Non-Fiction A Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris ( 1697 ) Non-Fiction Remarks upon a Late Discourse of Free-thinking ( 1713 ) Non-Fiction A Sermon upon Popery ( 1715 ) Non-Fiction...

Besant, Annie

Besant, Annie   Quick reference

A Dictionary of Writers and their Works (3 ed.)

...Annie , née Annie Wood ( 1847–1933 ) British Theosophist and educationist On the Deity of Jesus of Nazareth ( 1873 ) Non-Fiction On the Nature and Existence of God ( 1875 ) Non-Fiction The Gospel of Atheism ( 1877 ) Non-Fiction Reincarnation ( 1892 ) Non-Fiction An Autobiography ( 1893 ) Non-Fiction The Self and its Sheaths ( 1895 ) Non-Fiction The Ancient Wisdom ( 1897 ) Non-Fiction Esoteric Christianity ( 1901 ) Non-Fiction Theosophy and the New Psychology ( 1904 ) Non-Fiction Thought Power ( 1911 ) Non-Fiction...

Mallock, W. H.

Mallock, W. H. (1849–1923)   Quick reference

A Dictionary of Writers and their Works (3 ed.)

...W. H. [ William Hurrell Mallock ] ( 1849–1923 ) British novelist and writer on philosophy and politics The New Republic ( 1877 ) Fiction The New Paul and Virginia; or, Positivism on an Island ( 1878 ) Fiction A Romance of the Nineteenth Century ( 1881 ) Fiction Atheism and the Value of Life ( 1884 ) Non-Fiction The Old Order Changes ( 1886 ) Fiction A Human Document ( 1892 ) Fiction Labour and the Popular Welfare ( 1893 ) Non-Fiction The Heart of Life ( 1895 ) Fiction Studies of Contemporary Superstition ( 1895 ) Non-Fiction The...

Shelley, P. B.

Shelley, P. B. (1792–1822)   Quick reference

A Dictionary of Writers and their Works (3 ed.)

...P. B. [ Percy Bysshe Shelley ] ( 1792–1822 ) British poet Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire [by Shelley and his sister Elizabeth ] ( 1810 ) Poetry Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson ( 1810 ) Poetry Zastrozzi ( 1810 ) Fiction The Necessity of Atheism ( 1811 ) Non-Fiction St Irvyne; or, The Rosicrucian ( 1811 ) Fiction An Address to the Irish People ( 1812 ) Non-Fiction Queen Mab ( 1813 ) Poetry A Vindication of Natural Diet ( 1813 ) Non-Fiction A Refutation of Deism: in a Dialogue ( 1814 ) Non-Fiction Alastor;...
