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Repressive State Apparatus

(RSA) French Marxist philosopher Louis Althusser's concept for what is known in contemporary political discourse as ‘hard power’, i.e. a form of power that operates by means of ...

ideological state apparatuses

ideological state apparatuses   Quick reference

A Dictionary of Social Work and Social Care (2 ed.)

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...state apparatuses A concept used by Louis Althusser ( 1918–90 ) alongside his parallel concept of ‘repressive state apparatuses’. He argued that the state is maintained by both sets of apparatuses. Repressive state apparatuses—in the form of the army, the courts, the police, and the prison system—can punish and ensure conformity by force. In contrast, ideological state apparatuses—such as churches, trade unions, schools, the media (and social work might be added)—are outside the formal control of the state, but transmit the values of the state, and...

Marxist social work

Marxist social work   Quick reference

A Dictionary of Social Work and Social Care (2 ed.)

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...the day-to-day practice of social work as a site with openings for resistance and class struggle because of the contradictions that exist and the opportunities that exist to exploit them. Another strand sees social work as unequivocally part of the capitalist state’s repressive ideological apparatus , with social workers acting as its ‘soft cops’, and regards the potential for resistance as only existing through workplace trade unionism and radical action out of office hours. See also agents of social control ; Radical Social Work...
