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Repressive State Apparatus

(RSA) French Marxist philosopher Louis Althusser's concept for what is known in contemporary political discourse as ‘hard power’, i.e. a form of power that operates by means of ...


id n.   Quick reference

A Dictionary of Psychology (4 ed.)

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...chose the word id , imbuing it with an aura of obscurity and technicality that the original German word lacks. The id is insulated from the preconscious and consciousness by censorship , but it is not synonymous with the unconscious, as stated in many elementary expositions of Freud's theory, because the repressive functions of the ego and many of the functions of the superego are also unconscious. The functions of the id are governed by the primary process . [From Latin id ...

Psychoanalysis and Critical Theory

Psychoanalysis and Critical Theory   Reference library

Gordana Jovanović

The Oxford Encyclopedia of the History of Modern Psychology

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Subject Reference
Current Version:
Science and technology, Psychology, History
14,922 words

...of the unconscious was to them a result of repression imposed by repressive social and cultural demands. Thus, internal repression (i.e., the repression of drive gratification) proved external social repression. Therefore, psychoanalysis had inherently social meaning ( Marcuse, 1974 ). Their critique was directed against external repressive institutions as the causes of internal repression and all the consequences that this internal mechanism produced. They related those repressive institutions to advanced industrialized capitalist societies. As...

Italian Social Psychologies and Fascist Regimes: History of a Collective Removal

Italian Social Psychologies and Fascist Regimes: History of a Collective Removal   Reference library

Gilda Sensales

The Oxford Encyclopedia of the History of Modern Psychology

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Subject Reference
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Science and technology, Psychology, History
13,261 words

...Galimi, 2014 ; Toscano, 2015 ). As stated by Valeria Galimi ( 2014 ) , this rethinking led to overcoming the approach supported by Renzo De Felice, the historian of fascism, who tended to distinguish the responsibilities of fascism from those of Nazism ( De Felice, 1981 ). The distinction absolved fascism with respect to racial persecution. On the contrary, studies have subsequently affirmed that the racial policy begun in 1936 by the fascist regime was autonomous from the German one and was accompanied by repressive and persecutory measures that...
