John Quincy Adams
Indian subcontinent Reference library
Sabeena Gadihoke
The Oxford Companion to the Photograph
...accompanying the portraits, however, makes it clear how far such purported objectivity was compromised by the circumstances of its production. Produced mainly by photographers employed in the military or administrative services of British India in the uneasy decade following the Mutiny, the work is as much a handbook for the identification of the politically trustworthy or suspect, as a contribution to scientific knowledge. All three photographic societies maintained an active programme of exhibitions which both served to raise public awareness of photography...
African American art Reference library
The Grove Encyclopedia of American Art style: such artists as Charles White and Hale Woodruff executed historical murals that showed the influence of Mexican social realism, for example the Amistad murals ( 1939 ) by Woodruff in the Savery Library in Talladega College, Talladega, AL, which depicted a slave mutiny in 1839 . Other artists produced mural work in a primitivist style, for example Aaron Douglas , whose murals of African life included elongated, angular figures with stylized features, and Charles Alston , a painter and sculptor. Alston painted mural panels ( 1937 ) in the...
India, Republic of Reference library
The Grove Encyclopedia of Islamic Art and Architecture
...1987) VIII. Art legislation . Art legislation in India is based mainly on three acts: the Indian Treasures Act ( ITA ) of 1878 , the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act ( AMASRA ) of 1958 , and the Antiquities and Art Treasures Act ( AATA ) of 1972 . Operated by the state governments, the ITA has proved to be most effective in regard to the collection of antiquities by the various museums managed by the government. This act defines “treasure” as “anything of any value hidden in the soil, or in anything affixed thereto.” “Treasure”...
Faulkner, William Reference library
Donald M. Kartiganer
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and the Arts
...Satan variously combined in the Old General, father of the corporal Jesus—and for good measure, St. Paul. They are embodied in a set of characters involved, directly or indirectly, in an episode of World War I, the mutiny of a French regiment refusing to climb out of the trenches to attack the German lines. The hope of the 13 instigators of the mutiny is to bring the war to a permanent halt. While the history of the characters describing their circuitous routes to the war zone is told with imagination and verve, they remain, first and foremost, their biblical...