Dr Samuel Johnson (170984) Reference library
Brewer's Famous Quotations
...believes with all his heart that when a New Yorker is tired of New York, he is tired of life.’ There are no snakes to be met with throughout the whole island. As a joke, Johnson used to boast of being able to repeat a complete chapter of The Natural History of Iceland by a Dane called Horrebow (1758). He would then say this sentence which is, indeed, the entire contents of Chapter 72 of Horrebow's book. In the Life , for 13 April 1778. Sometimes, in telling the story, Ireland rather than Iceland is mistakenly put into the joke, presumably out of...
Anonymous Reference library
Oxford Dictionary of Quotations (8 ed.)
...just beast. a schoolboy's description of Dr Temple, Headmaster of Rugby School F.E. Kitchener Rugby Memoir of Archbishop Temple 1857–1869 (1907) ch. 3 but a just beast The best defence against the atom bomb is not to be there when it goes off. contributor to British Army Journal , in Observer 20 February 1949 defence against the atom bomb defence against the atom bomb defence against the atom bomb Bigamy is having one husband too many. Monogamy is the same. Erica Jong Fear of Flying (1973) ch. 1 (epigraph) bigamy is having one husband too many...