Sederholm, Johannes Jakob (1863–1934) Reference library
The Oxford Companion to the Earth
...missions to the League of Nations. He was also twice chairman of the Economic Society of Finland, and wrote in 1915 The science of work . He was deeply interested in many aspects—social, political, and economic—of the Americas and made several visits to Canada and the USA. Seven of Sederholm's most influential works were published in book form in 1967 under the title Selected works: granites and migmatites . R....
mandate Quick reference
A Dictionary of Geography (6 ed.)
...A statement of empowerment, for example, being able to vote: ‘representing humanity ultimately requires legitimation through some sort of people’s mandate’ ( Dicken (2004) TIBG 29, 1 ). The term also describes a territory, once part of the German or Ottoman Empires, governed by a member of the League of Nations, 1919...
Equity and Distribution Reference library
Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather (2 ed.)
...potential for enhancing the adaptive capacity of the most vulnerable. The democratically elected Government of the Awami League has adopted a revised version of this document. But the revision was not radical. Based on this CCSAP, a multi-donor trust fund ( MDTF ) has also been established through a meeting held in London in September 2008 between the governments of the United Kingdom and Bangladesh. The amount of money needed for the first 5 years under this MDTF is calculated to about $5 billion. As of 2010, the UK and Denmark had pledged $97.9...
Climate Change Communication in Middle East and Arab Countries Reference library
Mikkel Fugl Eskjær
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Climate Change Communication
...Middle East. As a consequence, the subsequent sections draw on a wider body of literature from adjacent research fields in order to outline some of the implications of climate change communication in the Arab world. A minor note of terminology: In this article “Middle East and Arab Countries” is identical with the widely used notion of the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa). This definition follows the practice of, for example, UNDP and consists of all states in the Arab League (except Comoros and Mauritania) but excludes Turkey, Israel, and Iran....
Global Overview of the Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Natural Hazard Governance Reference library
Terry Gibson and Benjamin Wisner
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards Governance
...of 1899 and 1907 . They were influential within the League of Nations after World War I, for example, campaigning on labor rights. The petition for world disarmament linked to the World Disarmament Conference of 1932–1934 attracted greater participation than did the Jubilee 2000 petition to reduce the burden of debt on the Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs) ( Davies, 2014 ). As the League of Nations became less active in the late 1930s, PIO participation in international affairs began to fade ( Charnovitz, 1997 ). While there are a number of...
Effects of Rapid Climate Change on Violence and Conflict Reference library
Courtney Plante, Johnie J. Allen, and Craig A. Anderson
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Climate Change Communication
...Department of Defense, 2014 ). As an illustrative example of increased military costs due to climate change: receding Arctic ice cover requires deployment of new naval vessels to address growing tensions between Canada, the United States, Russia, and China over newly-exposed natural resources and shipping lanes ( Department of Defense, 2015 ). And, as these direct and indirect costs accumulate, a greater proportion of nations’ GDP needs to be allocated to the military and, in turn, taken from programs that would otherwise contribute to the nation’s resilience...
Climate Change Communication in Portugal Reference library
Ana Horta and Anabela Carvalho
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Climate Change Communication
...first non-governmental organization for the environment (League for the Protection of Nature) was created in 1948 . However, political and civic awareness of environmental issues was low and the environmental impacts of economic development were neglected ( Mansinho & Schmidt, 1994 ). In the late 1960s, there was increasing concern over environmental issues in international organizations such as the United Nations. Helped by a major campaign on behalf of the natural environment led by the Council of Europe, which originated the first European Nature...
Internet-Enabled Activism and Climate Change Reference library
Luis E. Hestres and Jill E. Hopke
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Climate Change Communication
...Also like EDF, NRDC supported climate legislation in the U.S. Congress that included a limit on carbon emissions and was part of a rapid response operation operated by environmental, labor, and other progressive organizations ( Pooley, 2010 , pp. 419–420). The Emergence of Climate Change–Centered Advocacy During the first two decades of the 21st century , advocacy groups such as EDF, NRDC, the Sierra Club, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV), and many others invested significant time, money, and other resources in achieving strong policies to...
Partisan Cueing and Polarization in Public Opinion About Climate Change Reference library
Deborah Lynn Guber
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Climate Change Communication office, calling it “one of the few regrets of my presidency.” He was standing before a joint session of Congress to deliver his final State of the Union address, and moments before he had challenged his audience—including Senator Jim Inhofe, with his infamous snowball—to dispute the science around climate change, saying, “have at it”: You’ll be pretty lonely, because you’ll be debating our military, most of America’s business leaders, the majority of the American people, almost the entire scientific community, and 200 nations around the world who agree...
Online and Social Media Campaigns For Climate Change Engagement Reference library
Alexandra Segerberg
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Climate Change Communication
...Environmental Change , 17 (3–4), 445–459. Lück, J. , Wozniak, A. , & Wessler, H. (2016). Networks of coproduction: How journalist and environmental NGOs create common interpretations of the UN climate change conferences. International Journal of Press/Politics , 21 (1), 25–47. Mallen, C. , Chard, C. , & Sime, I. (2013). Web communications of environmental sustainability initiatives at sport facilities hosting major league soccer. Journal of Management and Sustainability , 3 (3), 115–130. Malone, T. , Laubacher, R. , Introne, J. , Klein, M. ,...