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Kuleshov effect

1. (film) Any montage sequence in which the relationship of two adjacent shots appears to be particularly meaningful. In what has come to be referred to as the Kuleshov (or ...

Kuleshov effect

Kuleshov effect  

Reference type:
Overview Page
Media studies
1. (film) Any montage sequence in which the relationship of two adjacent shots appears to be particularly meaningful. In what has come to be referred to as the Kuleshov (or Kuleshov-Pudovkin) ...
pictorial metaphor

pictorial metaphor  

Reference type:
Overview Page
Media studies
In a visual representation, juxtaposed or merged depictions of two different objects or actions designed to encourage viewers to infer an implicit conceptual link. A visual trope. Some pictorial ...
associative editing

associative editing  

Reference type:
Overview Page
Media studies
(film or video) The juxtaposition of two contrasting images which can be interpreted as having an analogous thematic meaning: for example, a shot of a passionate kiss followed by a shot of fireworks ...


Reference type:
Overview Page
Media studies
[Latin juxta ‘next’; French poser ‘to place’]The act of positioning things next to each other, especially for comparison or contrast (see also contiguity; co-presence). Alternatively, an instance of ...
dialectical montage

dialectical montage  

(film theory) Eisenstein's term for an effect in montage in which the juxtaposition of two shots (the Kuleshov effect), when these reflect some kind of conflict, has the potential to make an abstract ...
