Psychological Resilience and Adversarial Growth in Sport and Performance Reference library
David Fletcher
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology
...challenge and support in the environment (cf. Arthur, Hardy, & Woodman, 2013 ; Fletcher & Sarkar, 2016b ; Fletcher & Streeter, 2016 ; Jones, Gittins, & Hardy, 2009 ; see also Csikszentmihalyi, Rathunde, & Whalen, 1993 ; Therival, 1999 ). Educationists have for some time argued that optimum human development and performance occurs when the environment effectively balances the challenge and support presented to those operating within it (see Bower, Diehr, Morzinski, & Simpson, 1998 ; Cameron-Jones & O’Hara, 1997 ; Daloz, 1986 ; Hamrick,...