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Giorgio Agamben

(1942–) Italianphilosopher best known for his concept of homo sacer. Agamben studied at the University of Rome, completing a doctorate on the political thought of Simone Weil. In ...



[Ge]A member of a politically or administratively defined community, having both rights and duties associated with that membership.
Biopolitics and Asian America

Biopolitics and Asian America   Reference library

Belinda Kong

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Asian American Literature and Culture

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Subject Reference
Current Version:

...notoriously unstraightforward. 2 When critics invoke Foucauldian biopolitics, they may be referring to any of several models, from his notion of panoptic disciplinary power 3 to his later outlining of population control and liberal governmentality. 4 Alongside Foucault, Giorgio Agamben has played an equally influential role in shaping critical discussions of biopolitics, especially via his formulations of the state of exception, sovereign power, and bare life or homo sacer . 5 Since 2000 , a host of other figures have emerged or been reclaimed as key...
