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  • All: Feast of Fools x
  • Literary studies (20th century onwards) x
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Feast of Fools

Generic name for the New Year revels in European cathedrals and collegiate churches, when the minor clergy usurped the functions of their superiors and burlesqued the services of the ...

Kennedy, Margaret Moore

Kennedy, Margaret Moore   Reference library

The Oxford Companion to Twentieth-Century Literature in English

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Subject Reference
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...in London, educated at Cheltenham Ladies' College and Somerville College, Oxford. Her first novel, The Ladies of Lyndon ( 1923 ), was followed by a popular success, The Constant Nymph ( 1924 ), about a gifted musician and the fate of his talented, unruly children; it was adapted for the theatre, and followed by a sequel, The Fool of the Family ( 1930 ). Other novels include The Midas Touch ( 1938 ); The Feast ( 1950 ), a modern version of the Seven Deadly Sins; Lucy Carmichael ( 1951 ), set in a provincial university; and Troy Chimneys ( 1953 ),...
