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Feast of Fools

Generic name for the New Year revels in European cathedrals and collegiate churches, when the minor clergy usurped the functions of their superiors and burlesqued the services of the ...

Early African Pasts: Sources, Interpretations, Meanings

Early African Pasts: Sources, Interpretations, Meanings   Reference library

David Schoenbrun

The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Historiography: Methods and Sources

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
History, Regional and National History, Archaeology
20,354 words

...The use of bowls to feast near a mosque and the desire for beads of glass from India or the Persian Gulf, rather than beads of local shell, raises questions about the entanglement of affective and intellectual life with public eating and the importance of worldliness as a symbol of standing and authority. 62 Imports, properly displayed and used with locally produced things like ironwork, shell beads, pots, ivory, copper jewelry and boxes, and possibly gold bundled the enormous range of a high-status feast thrower’s network with the sensorium of the tasty...
