Hugh Trevor-Roper (1914–2003) Reference library
Oxford Dictionary of Political Quotations (4 ed.)
...Hugh Trevor-Roper 1914 – 2003 British historian Those who exercise power and determine policy are generally men whose minds have been formed by events twenty or thirty years before. From Counter-Reformation to Glorious Revolution (1992); introduction exercise power determine policy Historians in general are great toadies of power. History and Imagination (1981) historians in general toadies of power toadies of power Any reaction which is to be successful over a long period must have radical origins…A reaction which is to last, which...
St Francis de Sales (1567–1622) Reference library
Oxford Dictionary of Quotations (8 ed.)
...St Francis de Sales 1567 – 1622 French bishop of Geneva; leader of the Counter-Reformation Big fires flare up in a wind, but little ones are blown out unless they are carried in under cover. Introduction à la vie dévote (1609) pt. 3, ch. 34; see bussy-rabutin , la rochefoucauld Big fires flare up flare up in a wind On a beau dire, mais le coeur parle au coeur, et la langue ne parle qu'aux oreilles. It has been said in vain, but heart speaks to heart, whereas language only speaks to the ears. letter to the Archbishop of Bourges, 5...
F.E. Smith (18721930) Reference library
Brewer's Famous Quotations
..., Chap. 4 (1954): ‘Holbein shows [More] long-nosed and thin-lipped, cadaverous, and somewhat bland in expression … He had pale blue eyes and, as Lindsay in his famed book on the Reformation remarks, “the dainty hands, and general primness of his appearance” suggested descent “from a long line of maiden aunts”.’ This presumably refers to Thomas M. Lindsay's noted book, The Reformation (1907). The jibe has been applied to others, including the poet A.E....