Counter-Reformation Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
...Council of Trent ( 1545–63 ) was the engine of the Counter-Reformation. It eradicated simony (such as the sale of indulgences), standardized Roman Catholic theology, and undertook institutional reforms. The second phase ( 1563–90 ) of the Counter-Reformation was administered by Pius V , Gregory XIII and Sixtus V. See also Campion, Saint Edmund ; Vincent de Paul,...
Capuchins Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
...Catholic religious order, founded In 1525 as an offshoot of the Franciscans . Capuchins are named after the pointed cowl ( capuche ), which forms part of their habit. They re-emphasized Franciscan ideals of poverty and austerity, and played an important role in the Counter-Reformation...
Trent, Council of (1545–63) Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
...Council of ( 1545–63 ) Nineteenth ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church, which provided the main impetus of the Counter-Reformation in Europe. It met at Trent, n Italy, in three sessions under three popes ( Paul III , Julius III , Pius IV ). It clarified Catholic doctrine and refused concessions to the Protestants, while also instituting reform of many of the abuses that had provoked the Reformation...
Jesuits Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
... ( officially Society of Jesus ) Members of a Roman Catholic religious order for men, founded by Saint Ignatius of Loyola in 1534 . They played a significant role in the Counter-Reformation . The Jesuits were active missionaries. They antagonized many European rulers because they gave allegiance only to their general in Rome and to the pope. In 1773 Pope Clement XIV abolished the order, under pressure from the Kings of France, Spain, and Portugal, but it continued to exist in Russia. The order was re-established in 1814 , and remains an...
Paul III (1468–1549) Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
...III ( 1468–1549 ) Pope ( 1534–49 ), b. Alessandro Farnese . As pope, he largely initiated the Counter-Reformation . Paul sponsored reform, established the Jesuits ( 1540 ) and summoned the Council of Trent ( 1545 ). He commissioned Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine...
Reformation Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
...English Church. Under Edward VI , Protestantism was established by the Book of Common Prayer ( 1552 ). In 1559 , in the reign of Elizabeth I , the Church of England was formally established. In Scotland, the Reformation was led by John Knox , and Presbyterianism was established as the state religion in 1560 . See also Counter-...
Ferdinand II (1578–1637) Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
...II ( 1578–1637 ) Holy Roman Emperor ( 1619–37 ) and Habsburg King of Bohemia ( 1617–37 ) and Hungary ( 1621–37 ). He championed the Counter-Reformation . In 1619 , the mainly Protestant diet of Bohemia chose Frederick V as their ruler, precipitating the Thirty Years' War . The entry of Gustavus II of Sweden into the war turned the tide against Ferdinand . His son succeeded him as Ferdinand III...
Ignatius of Loyola, Saint (1491–1556) Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
...and obedience. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1537 and moved to Rome where, in 1540 , Paul III approved his request to found a religious order: the Society of Jesus, or Jesuits. He stayed in Rome supervising the order, which became the leading force in the Counter-Reformation...
baroque Quick reference
World Encyclopedia
...the spectator by a direct emotional appeal. Paintings contained visual illusions, and sculpture exploited the effect of light on surface and contour. Buildings were heavily decorated with stucco ornament and free-standing sculpture. Baroque was closely linked to the Counter-Reformation and was therefore strongest in Roman Catholic countries. Baroque became increasingly florid before merging with the lighter style of Rococo . The term is often used to describe the period as well as the style. In music, the period is notable for several stylistic...
Portugal: 1139 - 1976 explore to the south of the New World Vespucci, Amerigo (1454–1512) The Oxford Companion to Ships and the Sea 2 16th century Exploration Europe Society Latin America South America 1541 1541 Francis Xavier, companion of Ignatius Loyola and the first missionary of the Counter-Reformation, sets sail from Lisbon Francis Xavier, St (1506–52) The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church 2 rev 16th century Religion Christianity Monasticism Europe 1572 1572 Luis de Camoëns publishes The Lusiads , the poem which becomes Portugal's national epic Camões,...
Germany: c. 35,000 years ago - 2005
...but Gustavus II dies leading a cavalry charge Gustavus II (Adolphus) (1594–1632) A Dictionary of World History 2 17th century Politics Dynasties and royalty Battles Europe Sweden 1634 1634 A Passion play is performed for the first time at Oberammergau, in the spirit of the Counter-Reformation Passion play noun Oxford Dictionary of English 3 17th century Performing arts Theatre 1648 1648 The Peace of Westphalia finally brings to an end the Thirty Years' War Thirty Years' War (1618–48) World Encyclopedia 1 17th century War c. 1650 1650 A German burgomaster, Otto...
France: c. 31,000 years ago - 2007
...Curia The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church 2 rev Renaissance 14th century Italian Renaissance Reformation Politics Religion Christianity Papacy Rome Europe Italy 1379 1379 The French cardinals, objecting to the new Italian pope, elect their own man as Clement VII - and thus inaugurate the Great Schism of the papacy Great Schism (1378–1417) A Dictionary of British History 1 rev Renaissance 14th century Italian Renaissance Reformation Politics Religion Christianity Papacy Europe Italy 1392 1392 Charles VI, king of France, suffers the first of...
Italy: c. 3250 BCE - 2008
...1545 The Italian players of the commedia dell'arte first feature in the records in this year Renaissance 16th century Italian Renaissance Performing arts Theatre Europe 1545 1545 A council of the Roman Catholic church is convened in Trent, to establish the tenets of the Counter-Reformation Renaissance 16th century Italian Renaissance Religion Christianity Europe 1560 1560 A book to teach good handwriting is published by Gianfrancesco Cresci, with examples engraved on copper plates Cresci, Gianfrancesco (Giovanni Francesco) ( c .1534/5) The Oxford Companion to...
Europe: c. 800,000 years ago - 2011
...Italy 1545 1545 A council of the Roman Catholic church is convened in Trent, to establish the tenets of the Counter-Reformation Renaissance 16th century Italian Renaissance Religion Christianity Italy 1546 1546 David Beaton, the archbishop of St Andrews, burns a leading Protestant, George Wishart, as a heretic and is murdered in retaliation Beaton, David ( c. 1494–1546) The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church 2 rev 16th century Reformation Britain 1500-1750 Politics Persecution and repression Religion Christianity British Isles Britain 1547 1547...
North America: c. 30,000 years ago - 2011
...British empire European empires from 1415 Europe Society Empires Britain United States 1620 September 16 1620 September 16 The Pilgrims (or Pilgrim Fathers), a group of 102 English settlers, sail in the Mayflower to the new world Pilgrims World Encyclopedia 1 17th century Reformation Britain 1500-1750 Politics Conquest and colonization British Isles British colonial America British empire European empires from 1415 Europe Empires Britain United States 1620 November 1121 1620 November 1121 Ten days after their first landfall, at Cape Cod, the adult males...
United States: c. 30,000 years ago - 2011
...British empire European empires from 1415 Europe Society Empires Britain North America 1620 September 16 1620 September 16 The Pilgrims (or Pilgrim Fathers), a group of 102 English settlers, sail in the Mayflower to the new world Pilgrims World Encyclopedia 1 17th century Reformation Britain 1500-1750 Politics Conquest and colonization British Isles British colonial America British empire European empires from 1415 Europe Empires Britain North America 1620 November 1121 1620 November 1121 Ten days after their first landfall, at Cape Cod, the adult males...