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Bradford Hill criteria

[A. B. Hill (1897–1991), British medical statistician] A set of nine criteria used to determine the strength of an association between a disease and its supposed causative agent. They form ...

History of Evidence-Based Practice

History of Evidence-Based Practice   Reference library

Scott O. Lilienfeld and Candice Basterfield

The Oxford Encyclopedia of the History of Modern Psychology

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Science and technology, Psychology, History
13,615 words

...were blindfolded and asked which cigarette brand they preferred ( Meldrum, 2000 ). A second randomized blinded controlled trial was carried out by the MRC to evaluate streptomycin for treating pulmonary tuberculosis. The British statistician and epidemiologist Austin Bradford Hill ( 1897–1991 ) is credited with designing the trial. He replaced alternation with randomization to better disguise the allocation schedule from patients and experimenters. Pulmonary tuberculosis patients were assigned to the streptomycin treatment group and a no-treatment...

Organization Development

Organization Development   Reference library

W. Warner Burke

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Industrial, Work, and Organizational Psychology

Reference type:
Subject Reference
Current Version:
Science and technology, Psychology, Social sciences
17,091 words

...change does not always involve OD. Three criteria determine whether an organizational change can be considered an effective OD intervention. If the intervention (a) responds to the actual needs for change as experienced by organizational members, (b) involves organizational members in the planning and implementing of the changes, and (c) leads to a change in the organization’s culture, then the change is considered effective ( Burke & Noumair, 2015 ). Not everyone in the field agrees with these criteria, particularly the third one—cultural change....
