Cognitive processes are those responsible for knowledge and awareness. They include the processing of experience, perception, and memory, as well as overtly verbal thinking.
compass orientation
The ability to head in a particular compass direction without reference to landmarks possessed by many migratory birds (e.g. starling, Sturnus vulgaris), other vertebrates (e.g. some fishes, ...
electromagnetic sense
Mechanism by which some fish (e.g. Scyliorhinus, dogfish) and many invertebrates are able to orientate themselves within an electric field that they themselves generate, or by disturbances that they ...
Among birds, the formation of a group with a social organization. In some species flocking is accompanied by communal nesting and roosting, in others it occurs only outside the breeding season. About ...
The return by an animal to a particular site that is used for breeding or sleeping. The term may apply to the return of an animal to its nest after foraging, or to seasonal migrations between ...
Any readily identified structure or landform (such as a particular building or mountain) on land that can be used in determining a location or direction, or that commemorates a historic event or ...
magnetic orientation
The sensing by certain organisms of the direction of the geomagnetic field and their use of it for purposes of orientation. See biomagnetism. See also magnetic sampling.
A form of telotaxis that involves orientation at an angle to the direction of stimulation. Examples are found in the time-compensated sun-compass navigation of many insects, fish, and birds.
1 The movement of people or animals, including immigration, emigration, net migration, internal migration, and international migration.2 The stage in vegetation succession at which the first plant ...
sun navigation
The use of information about the position and movement of the sun for navigation. Provided with information about the time in location x, and observing the sun in location y, and animal would have ...