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Acts of Pilate
An apocryphal work giving an account of the trial, death, and resurrection of Christ. In some MSS an independent treatise on the Descent of Christ into Hades is attached to it; the two together are ...
brethren of the Lord
The ‘Lord's brethren’ referred to in the NT may have been: (1) sons of the BVM and Joseph, born after Christ; (2) according to St Jerome, sons of Mary, ‘the mother of James and Joses’ (Mk. 15: 40), ...
brothers and Sisters of Jesus
Siblings of Jesus are referred to collectively twice in the Gospels. In the account of the “true kindred” (Matt. 12.46–50 par.), Jesus' mother and brothers come to speak to him ...
The commemoration of Christ's nativity. The earliest mention of its being celebrated on 25 Dec. is in the Philocalian Calendar, which represents Roman practice in 336. The date was probably chosen to ...
A section of the RC Canon of the Mass (and of the First Eucharistic Prayer), so named from its opening word in the Latin text; it comes shortly before the Words of Institution.
In the W. Church by popular custom a representation of the crib (or manger) in which Christ was laid at His birth, with a model of the Holy Child, is placed in church on Christmas Eve. St Francis of ...
Divine Praises
A series of praises, beginning ‘Blessed be God’, sometimes said or sung after Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament before the Host is replaced in the Tabernacle. The nucleus is thought to have been ...
Feasts of Obligation
In the RC Church, feasts of outstanding importance which the laity as well as the clergy are obliged to observe by hearing Mass on the day itself or on the previous evening and by abstaining from ...
Flight into Egypt
The traditional scene, sometimes preceded by the appearance of the angel to Joseph, was fixed at least from the 6th c., partly inspired by the type of the adventus of ...
Gospel of Mary
An apocryphal Gnostic Gospel, of which 3rd-cent. fragments survive in the original Greek. In it Mary [Magdalene] describes a vision in which the progress of the Gnostic through the seven planetary ...
Gospel of Matthew
Traditionally held to be the oldest of the four Gospels, it stands first in the NT Canon. It was probably written 80–90. Though since the 2nd cent. it has been attributed to St Matthew the ...
Gospel of St Luke
The third of the Synoptic Gospels. Its attribution to St Luke is widely accepted. It forms a single work with the Acts of the Apostles. The prediction of the fall of Jerusalem in more precise terms ...
Holy Family
The gospels clearly assert the existence of the small society formed by Jesus, Mary and his foster-father Joseph. But for a long time it was not made the object of ...
The central figure of the Christian religion. He conducted a mission of preaching and healing (with reported miracles) in Palestine in about ad 28–30, which is described in the Gospels, as are his ...
1881–1963)Pope (1958–63) who, by convening the Second Vatican Council (1962–65), set in motion the process of ‘aggiornamento’ – bringing the Catholic Church up to date to meet the demands of the ...
The favourite son of the patriarch Jacob, borne by his wife Rachel. His story is told in Genesis 37–47.
Joseph (2) Reference library
The Oxford Companion to Chaucer
the husband of Mary (Marie) and the foster father of Christ. Although there is some early evidence of
Joseph Reference library
The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages
(father of Jesus) Briefly mentioned in the canonical gospels. Joseph’s character is amplified in the Apocrypha and medieval literature,
Joseph Reference library
Johannes Irmscher and Anthony Cutler
The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium
husband of the Virgin Mary. In New Testament apocrypha, such as the Protoevangelion of James, Joseph plays a limited number of marginal roles. The church fathers mention him occasionally ...