André Gunder Frank
(1929 –2005)One of the pioneers of dependency theory and a wide-ranging comparative and historical scholar of the global economy. Frank's Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America (1967) set ...
Annales School
[Th]A French school of historical thought, established by Marc Bloch and Lucien Febvre in the late 1920s and developed by Fernand Braudel in the 1950s and 1960s, which focuses on the idea of the ...
Ernest Labrousse
(1895–1988).French historian, influenced by Marxism and associated with the Annales school. He directed research at the École Pratique des Hautes Études, did pioneering work on the economic history ...
everyday life
See also lived experience.1. Daily activities in the social world, and the field of enquiry for which this forms a focus.2. The realm of social life, the traditional focus of anthropology and ...
Immanuel Wallerstein
(1930 –)Historical sociologist known primarily for his pioneering work on world-systems theory—the historical study of the emergence of global relations of economic and political power. World-systems ...
Jules Michelet
(1798–1874)French historian, keeper of the National Historical Archives (1831–52), professor at the Collège de France (1838–51). His principal work, L'Histoire de France (vols i–vi, 1833–43; vols ...
longue durée
A term that literally means ‘long duration’ introduced by the French historian Fernand Braudel. It is a standard term of reference in the work of the Annales School, which Braudel helped to ...
Marc Bloch
(1886–1944)French historian, who died fighting with the Resistance in World War II.Of French-Alsatian Jewish descent, Block was born in Lyons, where his father taught ancient history. He had moved to ...