Fernand Braudel
(1902–85)Frenchhistorian, best known as a leading light of the Annales School, and from his elevation to the Collège de France in 1949 until his death one of the most influential historians in ...
Georges Gurvitch
(1896 –1965)An important institutional figure in French sociology, Gurvitch founded the Centre d'Etudes Sociologiques de Paris, directed the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, and edited a number of ...
Immanuel Wallerstein
(1930 –)Historical sociologist known primarily for his pioneering work on world-systems theory—the historical study of the emergence of global relations of economic and political power. World-systems ...
longue durée
A term that literally means ‘long duration’ introduced by the French historian Fernand Braudel. It is a standard term of reference in the work of the Annales School, which Braudel helped to ...
Marc Bloch
(1886–1944)French historian, who died fighting with the Resistance in World War II.Of French-Alsatian Jewish descent, Block was born in Lyons, where his father taught ancient history. He had moved to ...
View of historical progression as a series of stages, reflecting intellectual, technological, economic, and political development. The view is associated with the Marxist doctrine of historical ...
multinational corporation
A form of capitalist enterprise in which the financial structure, managerial control, and integration of productive activity span national boundaries and are oriented to international (or global) ...
sociology of environment
The environment is literally ‘that which environs or surrounds’, and the term is used in various ways in academic discourse. In biology and psychology, environment is frequently juxtaposed to ...
world-systems theory
Provides an account of the transnational development of capitalism and a theory of the global structure of inequality among nations. Along with dependency theory, it challenged the prevailing ...