agricultural labourers
The distinction between a farm labourer and a farm servant was that a servant was hired on a yearly basis from about the age of 14 and lived on the ...
Captain Swing
The fictitious instigator of a system of intimidation practised in agricultural districts of the South of England in 1830–1, consisting in sending to farmers and landowners threatening letters over ...
The part of the profits of a company available for equity shareholders, after deducting debenture interest. Companies may distribute these earnings in dividends, pay tax, or retain them to expand the ...
justices of the Peace
(JP)A person holding a commission from the Crown to exercise certain judicial functions for a particular commission area. JPs are appointed on behalf of and in the name of the Queen by the Lord ...
Labor Disputes
Can be divided into two categories: (1) broadly, the collective actions of workers as a pressure group and (2) in a narrower sense, disagreements between an employer (ergodotes) and his ...
Labour of love work undertaken either from fondness for the work itself, or from desire to benefit persons whom one loves. The term was originally used (in the late 17th century) as a direct ...
Are mentioned in various sources, some of which (such as saints' vitae) are not reliable, while others (such as chronicles) deal with exceptional cases of inflation. Papyri have abundant information ...
quarter sessions
The office of justice of the peace can be traced back to the ‘keepers of the peace’ in 1195 and ‘conservators of the peace’ during the reigns of Henry III and Edward I, but the principal statutory ...
(ῥόγα), cash salary, esp. remunerations paid to members of the armed forces and civil service; the term already appears with this meaning in the early 7th C. (Chron. Pasch. 706.10). ...
rural depopulation
The decline of the national †population in the late Middle Ages, as a consequence of the Black Death and other diseases, caused the rapid or gradual decay of many rural settlements (see deserted ...
standard of living debate
The debate is about whether the Industrial Revolution (see industrial history) raised or lowered the general standard of living. See A. J. Taylor (ed.), The Standard of Living in Britain in the ...
Statute of Labourers
(1351)A statute passed after a large part of the English population had died of the Black Death. It followed an ordinance of 1349 in attempting to prevent labour, now so much scarcer, from becoming ...
Tolpuddle Martyrs
Six English farmworkers who were charged in 1834 with taking illegal oaths, while establishing a local trade union branch of the Friendly Society of Agricultural Labourers in the Dorset village of ...
Wage Systems
Wage labor is compensated by a payment that can be done according to different systems. Broadly, two types of pay systems may be distinguished: payment by result and by time. ...
weights, Athenian
Solon is said to have introduced into Athens‐cum‐Attica the system of weights prevailing in Euboea. If the material in question is silver, the table below gives the relationship between the units of ...