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Benjamin Disraeli
(1804–81),first earl of Beaconsfield, politician, prime minister, novelist, eldest son of I. D'israeli. He was to attempt an ambitious variety of literary forms before he settled on the novel. His ...
Contarini Fleming
A novel by Benjamin Disraeli, published 1832. Despite its lack of popular success, this was Disraeli's favourite novel. It was the last in the group Vivian Grey–Alroy–Fleming, although it was ...
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
(1803–73)English playwright, politician, and novelist. In Parliament Bulwer chaired the 1832 Select Committee which was responsible for a bill to allow any licenced theatre to play any kind of ...
Marquess of Carabas
A character in1 the fairy tale of Puss in Boots;2 Disraeli's Vivian Grey;3 Thackeray's Book of Snobs.