(c.1628–c.1700)A Vaiṣṇava poet-saint from Maharashtra. She left an autobiography (Ātmanivedana) in Marathi verse from which we learn that she was married at six or seven to a violent brahmin widower ...
(1715–1790)The poet-author of collections of Marathi stories (of which the best known is the Bhaktavijaya) about the Vārkarī saints. Tukārāma (c.1607–49) is said to have been his guru.
Prārthanā Samāj
A still extant Hindu society with aspirations for social reform—chiefly improvement in the status of women, universal education, and an end to caste discrimination—similar to those of the Brāhmo ...
A generic popular term for a ‘saint’, holy man/woman, or bhakta. More specifically, a North Indian poet-saint, generally identified as being nirguṇa Vaiṣṇava in orientation, although the movement's ...
Vārkarī Panth
A Marathi Vaiṣṇava bhakti movement, whose (mostly householder) followers are devoted to Viṣṇu as Viṭhobā. Their principal religious practice takes the form of quarterly pilgrimages to Viṭhobā's ...