You are looking at 1-20 of 46 entries
ACT chief ministers
The chief minister of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) is chosen by a secret ballot of members of the Legislative Assembly at its first meeting after an election. So far ...
B.A. Santamaria
Born in Melbourne in 1915 of Italian immigrants, B. A. (‘Bob’) Santamaria (1915–98) won a scholarship to study law at Melbourne University from 1932. He joined the Campion Society to ...
N.1 (in civil disputes) See ACAS; alternative dispute resolution.2 A procedure of peaceful settlement of international disputes. The matter of dispute is referred to a standing or ad hoc commission ...
The process of and obligation to keep a transaction, documents, etc., private and secret, i.e., confidential; the right to withhold information, e.g. medical information, from others.
Danilo Dolci
(1924–1998)Italian writer and social reformer. He was awarded the Lenin Peace Prize in 1958.Born in Sesana, Trieste, the son of a stationmaster, Dolci was educated at high schools in Milan before ...
(dis-ă-bil-iti)a loss or restriction of functional ability or activity as a result of impairment of the body or mind. See also handicap.—disabled(dis-ay-bŭld) adj.
A learner may be disadvantaged by their social, economic, physical, or family circumstances. Where any one (or more) of these is the case, there are implications for the learner's specific ...
economic rationalism
A set of ideas founded in free market economics, promulgating a suite of policies directed at resetting the respective functions of markets and government. The policies include corporatisation and ...
Emily Greene Balch
(1867–1961)Balch was an American sociologist who pioneered the concept of role and the use of statistical techniques in sociology. She carried out important comparative analyses of immigrant life in ...
A belief in and concern for the importance and influence of environment within a society.‘Environment’ is derived simply from the French verb environner, to surround. Our environment, literally, is ...
Equal Opportunities Act 2006
This Act replaced the Equal Opportunities Commission, the Commission for Racial Equality, and the Disability Rights Commission with a unitary Commission for Equality and Human Rights. The Act ...
N.1 That part of English law originally administered by the Lord Chancellor and later by the Court of Chancery, as distinct from that administered by the courts of common law. The common law did not ...
(Greek, ethos, character)The study of the concepts involved in practical reasoning: good, right, duty, obligation, virtue, freedom, rationality, choice. Also the second-order study of the ...
Gemilut Hesed
()., any act of kindness, consideration, or benevolence. Torah, worship, and gemilut ḥesed are the three foundations of the world (Avot 1.2), and gemilut ḥesed is one of the distinguishing ...
The distinction between sex and gender is attributed to the anthropologist Margaret Mead (Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies, 1935). Sex is the biological category, whereas gender is ...
Henry Bournes Higgins
(1851–1929),born Ireland, came to Australia in 1870 and graduated from the University of Melbourne with degrees in arts and law in 1875. In 1901 he entered the first Commonwealth ...
A term used to describe and promote policies, strategies, and practices which aim to enable all learners to participate fully in education. As widely conceived, inclusion is closely connected with ...
Israel–Palestine Peace
[This entry contains four subentries: Action and Pacifism; Grassroots Efforts; Official Efforts; and Unofficial Efforts.]The Israeli–Palestinian conflict has lasted more than one hundred years, and ...
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
(1746–1827)The founder of what became known as the ‘Pestalozzi Method’ for the education of young children, Zurich‐born Pestalozzi believed that children should learn through activity and through the ...