Alfred Jarry
(1873–1907),French poet and dramatist, whose Ubu-roi is now considered the founder-play of the modern avant-garde theatre. Written when Jarry was 15 years old and first performed in 1888 as ...
A loosely used term associated with art which debunks the traditional categories or concepts of art. It was supposedly coined by Marcel Duchamp in 1914. Dada was considered the first anti-art ...
The taking over of a real object or work of art into another work of art, for example in Cubist art in which fragments of newspapers were included to represent themselves. The term has particularly ...
A group of Expressionist painters formed in Paris in 1948 by a number of Netherlandish and Scandinavian artists. The name derived from the first letters of the capital cities of the three countries ...
An experimental technique of walking or moving through the urban space in a manner contrary to its design yet consistent with one's own desire, devised by the Situationists. Its purpose is twofold: ...
An artistic practice conceived by the Situationists for transforming artworks by creatively disfiguring them. In ‘A User's Guide to Détournement’ (1956), Guy Debord, a key Situationist theorist, and ...
everyday life
See also lived experience.1. Daily activities in the social world, and the field of enquiry for which this forms a focus.2. The realm of social life, the traditional focus of anthropology and ...
Guy Debord
(1931–94)French Marxist, activist, film-maker, social commentator and philosopher. Born in Paris, he was raised by his mother and grandmother in the southern resort towns of Nice, Pau, and Cannes. In ...
A term that can be applied very generally to the disposition of objects in an exhibition (the hanging of paintings, the arrangement of sculptures, and so on), but which also has the more specific ...
Jean Baudrillard
(1929–2007),cultural theorist and philosopher, born in Reims, France. His work was at the forefront of the postmodernist and deconstruction movements, and influenced sociological and communications ...
The study of the specific effects (and affects) of the built environment (intended or not) on the emotions and actions of individuals. Although generally associated with the Situationists, it ...
Raoul Vaneigem
(1934–)Belgiananarchist philosopher who, along with Guy Debord, was one of the key theorists of Situationism. Born in Lessines, Belgium, he studied at the Free University of Brussels before moving to ...