Eldad Ha-Dani
(9th cent.), traveler of uncertain origin who claimed to be from the lost tribe of Dan. He announced the existence of an independent Jewish kingdom in Ethiopia comprised of remnants ...
Sons of Moses
Legendary Jewish tribe, having their own independent kingdom in some faraway country. According to the ninth century traveler Eldad ha-Dani, they lived beyond the river Sambatyon. The legend of the ...
Ten lost tribes
The Jewish tribes who disappeared from history after the Assyrian conquest of 722 bce. The rabbis believed they were in exile beyond the river Sambatyon. Various identifications have been made. ...
Tribes of Israel
The twelve divisions of ancient Israel, each traditionally descended from one of the twelve sons of Jacob. Ten of the tribes (Asher, Dan, Gad, Issachar, Levi, Manasseh, Naphtali, Reuben, Simeon, and ...