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Alan Gewirth
(1912–2004).Gewirth did important work on Descartes's theory of knowledge and medieval political philosophy, especially Marsilius of Padua, but he is best known for his attempt to develop a ...
The word now denotes the capacity for judging the rightness of actions, whether in general or in particular. Christians are agreed that it is unique to human beings and that its effectiveness is ...
The term denotes the idea that how a person ought to be treated depends on a fact about their actions, or their character: a proportioning of happiness to virtue, or unhappiness to vice. Treating ...
Euthyphro problem
Euthyphro, in the Platonic dialogue named after him, attempts to define ‘the pious’ as ‘the god-loved’. Socrates responds with the famous question: ‘Is the pious loved by the gods because ...
As an adjectival modifier of a noun it is widely accepted that ‘good’ is attributive: a good hammer is so in virtue of different qualities from a good dinner. However, there seems room to say that ...
Hastings Rashdall
(1858–1924),philosopher and theologian. His most important work, The Theory of Good and Evil (1907), expounds his own version of what he called ‘ideal utilitarianism’. The Universities of Europe in ...
The history of Hegel's influence is complicated by conflicting elements within his own system. Until Feuerbach's Thoughts regarding Death and Immortality (1830), the torch was carried by the ‘Old ...
n. a system of values, normative rules, or principles according to which intentions or behaviours are judged to be good or bad, right or wrong. Such judgment can arise from cultural, religious, or ...
The approach to moral theory especially associated with Hare, that assimilates moral commitment to the giving or accepting of a command. Difference of moral opinion is then modelled upon the giving ...
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R. S. Downie
The Oxford Companion to Philosophy (2 ed.)
What it is right to do, as distinct from what it is good to do. One of the traditional problems of moral philosophy is that of relating the right and the good. For the utilitarian, or more ...