The study of electricity and magnetism has alternated between theories that represented the two as manifestations of a single effect and the view that they were separate phenomena, with general ...
Ernst Bloch
(1885–1977)GermanMarxist philosopher, social critic and utopianist. Bloch was born in the industrial town of Ludwigshafen. His father was an assimilated Jew of modest means who worked as an official ...
[L. Galvani (1737–98), Italian physicist and physician] n. The production of an electric current when two dissimilar metals, such as amalgam and gold, are brought into contact with each other, ...
historiography of science
Is the history of the treatment of science as a subject of historical investigation. Historiography in the narrow sense means the history of historical writing; more broadly conceived, it also ...
history of science
According to the theory of preformation, the seeds or eggs of all subsequent generations were contained, one within the other, in the original ancestors of all living organisms, and these ...
national culture and styles
“Style” originated as a term in literature. Art historians, notably Heinrich Wölfflin, appropriated it for their own use, and in art the term is firmly lodged. Cultural anthropologists also borrowed ...
See anatomy and physiology; animals (various entries); anthropology; astronomy; body; botany; climate; constellations; earthquakes; ecology; embryology; famine; geography; gynaecology; landscapes; ...