(470–540).A teacher and commentator of the Prāsaṇgika branch of the Madhyamaka school. He is the author of the Mūla-madhyamaka-vṛtti, a commentary on the Mūla-madhyamaka-kārikā of Nāgārjuna, the ...
(c.7th c. ce)A major Madhyamaka philosopher and key proponent of the reductio ad absurdum (prasaṇga) method of argumentation. This method aims to reduce to absurdity the position of the opponent ...
(Skt.). The ‘Middle School’, a system of Buddhist philosophy founded by Nāgārjuna in the 2nd century ce which has been extremely influential within the Mahāyāna tradition of Buddhism (a follower of ...
(fl. 2nd c. ad)One of the principal philosophers of Buddhism, and founder of the Madhyamika school. Little is known of his life, although his name derives from naga, a serpent, symbol of occult ...
(1469–1539),Indian religious leader and founder of Sikhism; known as Guru Nanak. In 1499 he underwent a religious experience and became a wandering preacher. Not seeking to create a new religion, he ...
In Buddhism, the doctrine that phenomena are devoid of an immutable or determinate intrinsic nature. It is often regarded as a means of gaining an intuition of ultimate reality. The word comes from ...