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The doctrine that baptism should only be administered to believing adults, held by a radical Protestant sect which emerged during the 1520s and 1530s, following the ideas of reformers such as ...
A great personal opponent of Christ, expected by the early Church to appear before the end of the world. The name is recorded from Old English and comes via Old French or ecclesiastical Latin from ...
António Vieira
(1608–97), Portuguese theologian. Brought up in Brazil, he joined the Jesuits there in 1623. Returning to Lisbon in 1641, he soon won influence at court. In 1652 he was sent to refound the missions ...
Like Christianity itself, the Reformation was spawned in and nurtured by an atmosphere of intense hopes and fears about impending universal upheaval, disaster, transformation, judgment, and the end ...
Arthur Dobbs
(1689–1765).Ulster landowner, member of the Irish House of Commons, from 1733 surveyor-general of Ireland, Dobbs actively pursued British colonial interests overseas. His 1731 tract, Memorial on the ...
The Christian scriptures, consisting of the Old and New Testaments; the Jewish scriptures, consisting of the Torah or Law, the Prophets, and the Hagiographa or Writings.The Bible is traditionally ...
Book of Revelation
The last Book of the NT and the only one that is an Apocalypse. Apart from the letters to the Seven Churches of Asia Minor, the Book consists of a series of visions.The author is identified as ‘John’ ...
Brahma Kumari
A Hindu-oriented movement composed in the main of unmarried women and founded in Hyderabad in 1937 by the one-time Sind diamond merchant, Dadi LeKray. Women are clearly the spiritual and ...
cargo cults
In the Melanesian Islands, a system of belief based around the expected arrival of ancestral spirits in ships bringing cargoes of food and other goods.
Catholic Apostolic Church
A religious body partly inspired by the teaching of E. Irving; its members were sometimes called ‘Irvingites’. It developed out of a millenarian circle which had gathered round H. Drummond at Albury, ...
(Greek, chilioi, 1,000 + gonia, angle)A closed plane figure with 1,000 internal angles (thus almost indistinguishable from a circle). Chiliasm is the doctrine that Christ will come again and reign ...
(Gk., chilioi, ‘a thousand’).Another name for millennialism, the theory that Christ will reign for a thousand years before the final consummation of all things.
A theory of classless society with common ownership of property and wealth and centrally planned production and distribution based on the principle ‘from everyone according to their skills, to ...
Millennial scheme of biblical interpretation. It divides history into seven ‘dispensations’, in which God deals differently, and progressively, with humanity. Dispensationalism is earliest associated ...
Edward Irving
(1792–1834), Scottish minister associated with the origins of the Catholic Apostolic Church (q.v.). In 1822 he became minister of the Caledonian chapel in Hatton Garden, London. He turned to ...
Eight Trigram Society
A general designation for various religious sects which staged a rebellion in N. China in 1813. The sects, which were closely related to the millennarian White Lotus tradition, were galvanized ...
Term used pejoratively, especially in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, for irrational and disturbed states of religious fervour, especially as found among Puritans, evangelicals, and ...
ÉOn of Stella
A small nobleman from the region of Loudéac in Brittany, a semi-literate layman, Éon of Stella lived at first as a hermit in the forest of Paimpont. He broke with ...
(Greek, eschatos, the last)The formation of ideas about the end of life, or the end of the world, and in Christian theology, the last judgement and resurrection.
Fifth Monarchy men
An extreme Puritan sect in England in the mid-17th century. They believed that the rule of Jesus Christ and his saints was imminent, and that it would be the fifth monarchy to rule the world, ...