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1. A building in which films are shown, containing at least one auditorium in which an audience watches together.2. Films produced for viewing by the general public.3. The industry involved in the ...
1. A narrative world.2. (film theory) The spatio-temporal world depicted in the film. Anything within that world (such as dialogue or a shot of a roadsign used to establish a location) is termed ...
film semiotics
Many presemiotic discussions of the cinematic medium can be traced back to the early years of film history. Among the precursors of film semiotics, one of the most prominent is ...
imaginary signifier
A term used by Metz to refer to the cinematic signifier—the medium of film. ‘What is characteristic of the cinema is not the imaginary that it may happen to represent, but the imaginary that it is ...
L' Énonciation impersonnelle Ou le site du film
(1991).Christian Metz's last work, L'énonciation impersonnelle ou le site du film takes Émile Benveniste's notion of enonciation, which had been developed during the late 1960s, as its starting ...
la grande syntagmatique
(1966–1967).The most influential articles written by Christian Metz during his earliest years of film theorizing were, arguably, his explanation and application of the phenomenon that he called “la ...
mass communication
‘One-to-many’ messages technologically mediated through the mass media, making this a distinctively modern form of communication. As a form of long-distance communication it has particular ...
Metz, Christian (b. 1927) Reference library
The New Oxford Companion to Literature in French
(b. 1927).
France's leading cinema theoretician of the 1960s and 1970s. He followed a path characteristic of much
Metz, Christian (1931–1994) Reference library
Encyclopedia of Semiotics
French linguist of the Hjelmslevian school whose writings on film semiotics have, more than any others, both
Teresa de Lauretis
(b. 1938),Italian‐born American gender theorist and film semiotician. De Lauretis's critical interest in materialist semiotics as well as poststructuralism and psychoanalysis set her apart from most ...
The actual wording of a written work, as distinct from a reader's (or theatrical director's) interpretation of its story, theme, subtext, etc.; or a specific work chosen as the object of analysis. ...